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Jack William Bell

RIP Z80. May your opcodes live forever in our hearts.

> Z80 Product Line: Z85C00 End of Life.

(The Z80 was the second microprocessor I ever wrote Assembly to target – the 6502 being the first.)

#computers #retro

Jack William Bell


Apparently there will still be some devices with an embedded Z80 in them, but as a discrete component it will soon be no longer available.

I guess I can finally give up on the stupid dream I had of building a massively multiparallel Z80 machine with 65,535 CPUs.

Luci for dyeing

@jackwilliambell @emma also, near as i can tell the backwards compatible ez80 has not been discontinued

Johannes Ernst

@jackwilliambell I learned assembly on a Z80. Hand-translated assembly that is because I couldn’t afford buying an assembler … but I had a disassembler! Which I got by typing it in (yes!) in hex that was published in a book!!

Jack William Bell


That's the way REAL PROGRAMMERS do it!

I did some 6502 that way, to use with BLOAD in BASIC. But CP/M (which I was using for my first Z80 machine) had an assembler, dissasembler and debugger. And a line editor!

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