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3 posts total
Jack William Bell

RIP Z80. May your opcodes live forever in our hearts.

> Z80 Product Line: Z85C00 End of Life.

(The Z80 was the second microprocessor I ever wrote Assembly to target – the 6502 being the first.)

#computers #retro

Johannes Ernst

@jackwilliambell I learned assembly on a Z80. Hand-translated assembly that is because I couldn’t afford buying an assembler … but I had a disassembler! Which I got by typing it in (yes!) in hex that was published in a book!!

Jack William Bell


I'm so old I remember advertising that didn't require violating people's privacy or tracking them everywhere they went.

And I'd be fine with that kind of advertising now. Which is why I get so annoyed when websites tell me to turn off my ad-blocker.

I don't run an ad-blocker. I run a tracker-blocker. The fact it blocks ads is *their fault*. Not mine.

Jack William Bell


I'm currently doing a deep dive on ActivityPub and the related specs with the intent of creating a PoC and, unless you have someone with you who has implemented ActivityPub before, I suggest you don't try to create your own back end.

Instead you should create a client that can use any sufficiently complete existing ActivityPub back end implementation. Concentrate on the UI and how you will extend the existing activity types to support your use case.

DM me if you have questions.

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