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Johannes Ernst

The report fundamentally assumes that service providers evaluate each other (sender A and receiver B of a transfer of personal data of some user) on a peer-to-peer basis: A evaluates B, B evaluates A, using a template they provide in the appendix of the report, and on that basis, A decides whether to send data to B, and B whether to accept it. Trust is needed in both directions.

/cc @DTinitiative

Johannes Ernst

The report does not cover the case where a third party -- say dtinit :-) -- were to have a conformance program that A and B go through, and where they accept anybody certified as a partner in a data exchange because they have the certification.

I'm bringing this up because doing this mutual evaluation is not just an N*2 cost problem, but it also doubtful that an individual service provider has the ability to actually ascertain other service providers practices.

/cc @DTinitiative

Johannes Ernst

Also, in many cases, source and destination service providers for a data transfer are direct competitors. Chances are they are less frank with each other about what they do than they would be with a 3rd-party organization.... which also could contractually require, as part of the certification program, that it be informed of major changes etc.

So @DTinitiative, that's all just a thought, I'm sure you have thought about all of this, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were another report soon!

Chris Riley

@J12t @DTinitiative I'll just say these thoughts have crossed our minds and we aren't done yet, this was a first step :-) Thanks for your feedback Johannes and we will for sure stay in touch.

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