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Johannes Ernst

About the E series of resistors: “For unknown historical reasons, eight older industry values (shown in bold) are different from the calculated values”

That’s pretty funny.

Gabe Wachob 🐵🐴👨‍💻👨‍🎤🐮

@J12t It was eye opening when I realized you couldn't get any random value of resistor.

And further eye opening when you realized that 5% tolerances were the traditional "good enough" standard for most uses..

Which led to the further eye opening that a lot of analog electronics is the art of "good enough", as opposed to software which (at least I thought when I was younger) was the art of right vs. wrong.

Johannes Ernst

@gwachob I’m an EE by education. Who spent a lot more time soldering stuff together before college than during or after — stuff that more often than not failed in ways I could never have conceived of upfront. Software is the ivory tower, where 1s are 1s and 0s are 0s. The real world is where your caps are +100%/-50%, power supplies are stomping marching bands with strange hangovers, electrons migrate wire atoms, linearity has never been seen and may well not exist, …

Johannes Ernst

@gwachob … transistors are entirely different beasts when the sun shines on them, and RF is magic so black I would not go within a lifetime of it.

So I decided on software:-)

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