Would anyone be interested in contributing to this interactive guide + WYSIWIG editor that lets you make simple web pages and shows you how to host them for free?
More about the project: https://stefanbohacek.com/project/a-simple-page-builder-app/
Repo + open issues: https://github.com/stefanbohacek/simplepagebuilder/issues
#indieweb #websites #PersonalWebsites #WYSIWYG #OpenSource #contributors
Honestly, this might work better as a service that also lets you host the pages you make. Something like the recently discontinued https://hatch.one.
Alas, I am not too keen on running such a service myself, and, more importantly, moderating it. And I would most definitely want to keep it free, at least for most users. Still, definitely interested in hearing thoughts on this topic!
@stefan thats so cool! I made a quick little tutorial on how to make your own gallery on neocities, idk if that can help? https://jakechirak.com/howto/makeyourownwebsite/howtohome
If the simple page incorporates active scripts to display content, definitely not!
When you say free is that free as in beer or free as in freedom? Does that free require phone verification, therefore legal ID (like github/MS gitlab and other proprietary servers?) No Thank you!
There are plenty of #FOSS tools converting text, rtf, md into html, plain #html that is no js crap
The offensive against people and foss comes wrapped with aesthetic "modern" gadgetry as popular necessity