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Stefan Bohacek

I'm curious, how much does it cost you, monthly, on average, to participate in the fediverse?

Including voluntary donations to your server admins, fediverse apps and other software, your own server, etc. Any money you spend directly towards keeping the fediverse going.

#fediverse #poll

Anonymous poll


It's completely free!
Less than $5
1,233 people voted.
Voting ended 24 Dec 2024 at 13:30.
Stefan Bohacek

Inspired, of course, by the news about X raising the cost of their Premium Plus subscription by 40%, and some of the responses claiming that the fediverse is free. I wish!

#fediverse #SocialMedia #sustainability

Local Agency

@stefan I don't spend much cash on it, but with all the time I spend on it, the opportunity cost is probably quite high.

Stefan Bohacek

For me:

- $24/month for hosting my server (where I also host 50+ bots stefans-creative-bots.glitch.m)
- $5/month for hosting uploaded media (this is shared among a few other of my projects)
- I've also made several, mostly one-time donations to Mastodon-related projects and developers and I'm a bit too lazy to add it all up.

So, probably in the $11-50 bracket?

Nicolas Dufour

@stefan It used to cost me the electricity usage of my cluster at home :D Now I'm donating to keep the afloat.

I need to see how to come back to self-hosted again.

Stefan Bohacek

Ooops, forgot to include ~ $25/year for the domain name, which would be about $2/month.


@stefan I'd pay 3x this to never see the words x or musk again. Scrubbed "eternal sunshine" from my brain

Jorge Candeias

@stefan Heh... I'm half asleep, apparently. I answered a monthly poll with annual values.

So feel free to subtract from the end results one 11-50, and add one to the lower bracket.

soft dragon

@stefan my tyrannical bitch admin makes me pay all the server and domain fees plus an additional "protection fee" so she doesn't starve me to death


@stefan nothing yet but I guess there may be a call for donations if the hw needs updating

gavinisdie :troll:

@stefan I would donate to my server if I had money

Ben Tasker

@stefan It was previously $25 - 30/month as I was running on a DO droplet.

Now that I've migrated it to a Nuc (with more resources!) though, it's basically just power.

Ben Tasker

@durchaus @stefan Hard to say for sure as I've not plugged it into a meter (didn't have room), but the power supply is 65W - so assuming that was running at full-tilt all the time it'd be about 1.5kWh a day.

In practice, it'll be much less than that - CPU usage normally sits below 10%

Tony Hoyle

@stefan Costs me nothing.. I'd have the same ISP costs and electricity costs whether I was running a server or not (the VM might be increasing the electricity cost a few pennies but it's barely measurable).

Trash Panda [shapeshifter era]
I pay for our instance so I do spend some.
Wish I could spend more for better servers but it is what it is.

Eugene Alvin Villar 🇵🇭

@stefan nominally I participate for free. But I am a paying member of a foundation that sponsors my instance's hosting service (Mastohost). And this expense is less than 1% of the total expenses of the foundation.

@stefan I pay $20 for a vps that runs this and a dozen other necessities, plus $5 for object storage for media. I use the vps and the objector storage for other stuff so I'll call it halfsies all around.

@stefan A #GoToSocial instance for a few people on an Atom box from 2016 that's always on and is used for many purposes, so definitely less than $5 a month.

Markus Gerstel :v8rified:

@stefan €4/month for managed hosting of a tiny server for two people on a custom domain. Don't have to bother myself with anything technical at all.

Jernej Simončič �

@stefan I opted for $5/month to the instance I'm using (paid yearly).


@jernej__s @stefan
Nice! I hate recurring charges, so I donate in bulk a couple times a year and it averages out to the $10 per month tier. I love our instance. 🩵


@stefan For me, it’s purely my annual subscription for Ivory.

Stefan Bohacek

@evan Thank you for the correction, and helping me get a bigger sample size!

Just Boby

@stefan I am a paid fedi (iPhone) app collector and also subscribed (paid) to Erin Kissane’s newsletter bc she is working on making the fedi a better place. And occasional mutual aid. And while I thought it was automatic, I occasionally for the server too (that reminds me..)

Just Boby

@stefan I’m not sure about the full amount, Erin’s newsletter/membership is $12 per month, for sure. I have Ivory, I have Sora, Mammoth, Wooly, Mona, …


@stefan I spend less than I would like to, because that’s what I can afford while my last six pay periods have totaled out to under USD$200 deposited into my bank thanks to unreliable shift hours.

Actively looking for sustainable employment so I can contribute my fair share, but haven’t found it yet.


@stefan unfortunately the less I pay is zero, because… yeah.

I am grateful to my fellow Friends of DeSoto who can afford to keep it going and share the space with those of us who can’t.

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? 🦑

@stefan So far completely free but if my admin needs me to contribute I am there, obviously.

Stefan Bohacek

It's truly encouraging to see how generous people in this community are. And this is not even including the many mutual aid donations people here make!


Elfi, :verifiedtransbian: cute moth

@stefan if I had the money to donate towards my admin, I certainly would


@stefan instance I'm on is funded via which has 385 paid members averaging $3AUD / month

Jonathan Lamothe
@stefan I guess it depends on how you calculate it. There's a VPS involved, but it acts as a glorified router. The actual server runs on a laptop in the closet of my office which effectively costs me nothing to run (save for the internet access, I suppose). Also, the VPS runs other services as well, so there's that.
young squatz

@stefan i pay $25-30 a month for hosting, plus an additional $150 a year for the domain for my tiny instance (3 active users), so i rounded to $11-50


@stefan Very cheap VPS, domain costs next to nothing monthly, but have put myself in the 11-50 bracket just incase :D

Stefan Bohacek

To folks saying they wish they could do more/can't afford to contribute, your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated! You make the fediverse an amazing place to be just by being here, thank you!

Tisha Tiger

@stefan My biggest cost is the domain name, as .social aren't cheap (looks like a scam business at this price for a domain name).

Sonic Walker

@stefan hosting my own peertube and mastodon server (9,53 €/month) and two monthly donations.

Stefan Bohacek

@samsteiner Definitely!

And I'm seeing folks talking about how they'd love to contribute more, but some can't afford to. Both heartbreaking, and very encouraging!

If we could get Universal Basic Income passed, we'd probably get pretty close to 100% people donating.


You just reminded me that I wanted to send money to my instances admin.

@selea Liberapay says your banking account is not ready to receive payments. Can you check because TAKE MY MONEY!! 😅

fogs :pride:

@stefan @BlurTheFur I host my own instance in a cupboard at home, and spend like £4 a month on the tiniest cheapest VPS I could find as a media cache to protect my home connection from the fedi hug of death.

Ezmyrelda 🪷🏳️‍⚧️🌹
@stefan I started an instance for music professionals and other creatives. Out of pocket this month?

$200 to have all the FOSS packages my site uses.. it was probably only $50 for the Akkoma install.

I used to do that stuff by myself but install complexity has increased since then.

The bandwidth hasn’t been calculated but that’s been very cheap so far..
@stefan I started an instance for music professionals and other creatives. Out of pocket this month?

$200 to have all the FOSS packages my site uses.. it was probably only $50 for the Akkoma install.

@stefan I am against paying. I do not rule it out in the future. I prefer to buy merchandising, such as Plushtodon. I would do it through Liberapay, but as every OS project, it has something absurd, it obliges you to make periodic donations, not punctual.

@stefan it's around $5-10 for me, most of the cost just being electricity of running the server at home. it's hard to say exactly how much of it is fedi and how much is other things i host, but fedi is probably one of the more expensive things there.
Hiding in a pillow fort until march
@stefan the actual server itself is pennies compared to the infrastructure for development
that stuff is expensive
100+ if dev costs count - forgejo host, CI runners etc etc
John Francis

@stefan in my case, is cooperatively owned. So, I'm paying for a say in that, as well as receiving the services.

Tuckers Nuts Resist😈!

🥥 Eye included the cost 4 my internet provider in my calculations, Stefan. 🥥

Rob Carlson

@stefan I call it $12/mo because that's what the unlimited VPS that I dedicated to the instance costs, but I'm able to ignore a few costs like DNS, email service, storage, etc. because they're already baked into other things I run and have little or no incremental costs.

Rob Carlson

@stefan My operating costs and donations are public in case you are interested in a deeper look to a niche instance

Maria Langer | 📝 🎬 ⚒️🛥️

@stefan @mtechman I believe in chipping in for services I use often that would otherwise be free. I hope that other folks who can afford to chip in do so.

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