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139 posts total

Will AI be able to use/abuse your data even more efficiently than Big Tech already does?

If you believe the answer is yes, get an encrypted mailbox NOW! 🔒💪


Wird KI in der Lage sein, deine Daten noch effizienter zu nutzen/missbrauchen, als es Big Tech bereits tut?

Wenn die Antwort bei dir "Ja" lautet, hol dir JETZT dein verschlüsseltes Postfach! 🔒💪

Will AI be able to use/abuse your data even more efficiently than Big Tech already does?

If you believe the answer is yes, get an encrypted mailbox NOW! 🔒💪


The encrypted Tutanota mailbox makes sure your data belongs to you, and to you alone! 😎🔒

Make sure your friends enjoy the same level of privacy. Invite them to Tutanota! 🤩


#privacy #security #Encryption

Sergio Morelli

@Tutanota Is it true that the German government forced you to make a "loophole"?


If you supported OpenPGP, I could ensure my friends enjoy the same level of privacy.


The internet has turned into a surveillance machine. 👀

🕵️ TikTok = China can track you
🕵️ Telegram = Russia can track you
🕵️ Google = USA can track you

Only with encryption, we can make sure that our data stays safe. 🤫

Get a secure mailbox now: 🔒

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Ogogon !!! :verified_dragon:

You have specified the Telegram messenger in the list of surveillance tools. Can you provide links to reliable sources confirming that his administration is providing information to the authorities?


@Tutanota i know google track u but i dont know about tiktok and telegram. U should backup your claim and stop listening to government bullshit. The one that track you most is your own government.

Alexandro Lacadena 📷

@Tutanota I'm not that sure about Telegram...
Would a VPN and Adguard help blocking all the surveillance?


We absolutely ♥️ Signal's Meredith Whittaker's speech on why we must stop mass surveillance. It ticks all the boxes when looking for arguments against the EU #ChatControl proposal or the UK Online Safety Bill #OSB

Check it out now! 👇


Hi fediverse, we recently held a vote on whether to post in English or German. Most of you wanted us to post in English, but lots asked for both via the comments. We'll try to do this within each toot (whenever there is enough space)!

Let us know your thoughts! 😊
Liebes fediverse, ihr habt über die SPrache unserer Toots abgestimmt. Die meisten von euch wollten, dass wir auf Englisch weitermachen, aber viele fragten nach beidem. Wir werden dies versuchen! 😊

Hi fediverse, we recently held a vote on whether to post in English or German. Most of you wanted us to post in English, but lots asked for both via the comments. We'll try to do this within each toot (whenever there is enough space)!

Let us know your thoughts! 😊
Liebes fediverse, ihr habt über die SPrache unserer Toots abgestimmt. Die meisten von euch wollten, dass wir auf Englisch weitermachen, aber viele fragten nach beidem. Wir werden dies versuchen! 😊

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@Tutanota Ideally you will have one account per language, as mentioned on replies it helps when filtering posts :cdrr:


@Tutanota English speaker here who is very glad you chose both! Native language media matters to communities.

Mick Mavromatis

@Tutanota both when possible or English :-) Vielen Danke


Will the party soon be over for Big Tech Gatekeepers?! 🥳

Check out what the EU has planned to change the power on the internet! 👇


#Chatcontrol - one of the worst EU plans that is also being described as a surveillance monster - must be stopped! The draft law is facing huge opposition across Europe. Now, an analysis by the EU Parliament's Scientific Service comes to the conclusion that the law will even be counterproductive.

Check here why we must stop chat control! 👇 #Chatkontrolle


If they have it, they can use it: Tesla's sharing of camera images proves once again that you need to keep your private data private.

Start today, get an encrypted email account! 👉


Wenn sie sie haben, können sie sie verwenden: Die Weitergabe von Kamerabildern durch Tesla beweist einmal mehr, dass man private Daten privat halten muss.

Hol dir jetzt ein verschlüsseltes E-Mail-Konto! 👉

If they have it, they can use it: Tesla's sharing of camera images proves once again that you need to keep your private data private.

Start today, get an encrypted email account! 👉


EN: #Twitter published parts of its source-code and people are speculating over what motivated #ElonMusk to go #opensource. Here's what they say! 👇

#Twitter hat Teile seines Quellcodes veröffentlicht und die Leute spekulieren, was #ElonMusk dazu bewogen hat, #OpenSource zu gehen.

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Generale Specifico

@Tutanota (mischievously) When an entity like EM decides to release something to the public it is because he wants to use the mass to solve internal problems that he doesn't admit he has, whether they are operational or efficiency or creativity.
Can he be trusted?


@Tutanota Clickbait. The article reads like content marketing. It cites various things that everyone already knew and doesn't get to the point.


Release time! 🎉 Our team has been hard at work to push an update to Tutanota. 🥳 You can now

* Create repeating events & delete individual entries

* Enjoy more space for reading emails on mobile clients as we've moved the subject line into the header
Unser Team hat hart daran gearbeitet, ein Update für Tutanota zu veröffentlichen. 🥳 Du kannst jetzt

* Wiederkehrende Termine erstellen & einzelne Einträge löschen

* Mehr Platz zum Lesen von E-Mails auf mobilen Clients

Release time! 🎉 Our team has been hard at work to push an update to Tutanota. 🥳 You can now

* Create repeating events & delete individual entries

* Enjoy more space for reading emails on mobile clients as we've moved the subject line into the header
Unser Team hat hart daran gearbeitet, ein Update für Tutanota zu veröffentlichen. 🥳 Du kannst jetzt

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@Tutanota thanks for the update, please update the UI 👍


@Tutanota I love your email! Any plan for an Android widget? I've been asking/waiting for the last 3 years :(


@Tutanota if EU passes #chatcontrol what would be the impact on Tutanota? In particular, will you be forced to expose all our emails to the authorities?


Tutanota legt großen Wert auf Sicherheit und Privatsphäre. Dazu gehört auch, dass man sich anonym anmelden kann - ohne Telefonnummer!

Es gibt nicht viele, die sich so klar auf Privatsphäre und Anonymität fokussieren. Check out:




Crazy Pony

@Tutanota @threemaapp @torproject

Was ich aber nicht verstehe:

Warum wird Threema als Privatspärenfreundlich und Anonym dargestellt wenn es explizit nur per App auf einem Telefon funktionieren will.

Für ein Mobilfon müßte ich doch erstmal sprichwörtlich die Hosen runterlassen und mich mit verfifizierter Addresse und Videochat ausweisen damit ich eine SIM-Karte bekomme.

Von daher kann ich Matrix und XMPP sehr viel mehr empfehlen


Tutanota focuses on security and privacy. Part of this is an anonymous way to sign up - without a phone number!

There are not many that focus so clearly on privacy and anonymity. Check out:





@Tutanota @threemaapp @torproject I mean you do block Tor IPs when making an account so technically it's not completely anonymous



Google reintroduces its motto "Don't be evil".

Twitter decides that paying users will see zero ads.

Facebook announces it will stop scanning direct messages.

Which of the above is an #AprilFool? 🤔

#AprilFoolsDay #AprilFoolsDay2023


The Mastodon community is growing by the minute. We ourselves have seen a massive influx of followers these last few months.

How likely is it that you will still be on #Mastodon next year?


Anonymous poll


✅ Of course
⭕ Not sure
❌ No way
5,238 people voted.
Voting ended 3 Apr 2023 at 17:14.
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@Tutanota on my iPad, the start view was shown as 123% :blobnotlike:

HistoPol (#HP)


I can hardly believe it:

91% voted #Remain!
Brits, take notice. 😉


@Tutanota But to be fair, how many of us would have said the same about #birdsite a year ago? Imagine if there were thousands of #elonClones out there, each willing to pay $44 billion for one federated node apiece. (don’t say it couldn’t happen. look what’s happened in new york today. the mills of god grind slow)


Did your #Gmail data train the AI Bard? Bard itself claims your emails in Gmail trained the AI, Google denies this, saying Bard made a mistake.

But who is correct, #Google or #Bard 🤔 Check here for more:

The undeniable truth we learn here is: Data is the new oil. It's time to protect yours! 🔒


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@Tutanota The fact that people aren't in the streets over this kind of junk is nuts. I seriously feel abused. I feel that my likeness and data are being used against my will, and never did I consent to anything resembling this.


@Tutanota Having dipped my toe in making Generative AI, I can say both are equally likely. Generative AI simply picks the next most common thing to say based on the context of the prompt and the prior words generated. It's prone to not stating the truth. But Google is also prone to lying and using peoples' data without their explicit consent of the use case.


Encryption is the #single #best #tool we have for securing private data. Read @matthew_d_green on why the EU Commission should rethink its hurried schedule for #Chatcontrol: blog.cryptographyengineering.c

Here are some more facts about the EU Commission's lies they use for justifying #Chatkontrolle:


Dear fediverse, being a German company we occasionally get asked to post our toots in German.

How would you like to receive our toots?


Liebes Fediverse, da wir eine deutsche Firma sind, werden wir ab und an gebeten, unsere Toots auf Deutsch zu verfassen.

Wie würdest du denn unsere Toots am liebsten lesen?

#Boost OK

Anonymous poll


In German / auf Deutsch
In English / auf Englisch
499 people voted.
Voting ended 31 Mar 2023 at 12:06.
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I think that it is not important where company location is.

Important is who is reading.

in other words, what language your customers speak. But remember, your toots are not only read by customers.


The EU Commission wants to introduce #chatcontrol to monitor every chat & email message. But recently opposition is getting louder against client-side scanning:

Make your voice heard as well, join the #StopScanningMe campaign by @edri 💪

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@Tutanota @edri the sheer happening of @EU_Commission to even utter this #cyberfacist crap should be reason enough for widespread strikes, protests and outrage.

NOONE askes for #Zensursula or anyone elses postfactual bs that goes against so many inalienable human rights that people should press charges not at the ECHR but ICC if they ever intend to put this up for vote.


Everyone deserves #privacy! 😎 That's why Tutanota is now launching a refer-a-friend program. As a Tutanota user, you can now recommend Tutanota to your friends and family, even to your doctor or lawyer, and you both benefit. 🤩

Check it out! 👇

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@Tutanota Please don't misunderstand; I"m not asking for referral for me, I just think that #secure#mail is a good thing and hence this boost and toot.


ChatGPT has leaked conversations and payment info of some users. While #OpenAI feels "awful" about this, experts say users "should have had zero expectation of privacy when using the #ChatGPT web demo."

Read also our blog post on ChatGPT: A #privacy nightmare or a helpful tool?



Chat demo privacy - yeah who cares at this point?

...but payment info? No expectation of privacy? Pretty sure that'c covered by a whole plethora of laws, right? 🤔

Going forward, privacy *should* be expected for features like data upload 😳

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