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Dear fediverse, being a German company we occasionally get asked to post our toots in German.

How would you like to receive our toots?


Liebes Fediverse, da wir eine deutsche Firma sind, werden wir ab und an gebeten, unsere Toots auf Deutsch zu verfassen.

Wie würdest du denn unsere Toots am liebsten lesen?

#Boost OK

Anonymous poll


In German / auf Deutsch
In English / auf Englisch
499 people voted.
Voting ended 31 Mar 2023 at 12:06.

@Tutanota English, but for my german fedifrens it would be cool to have them in both.

Dylan Van Assche

@Tutanota You can use the language option and toot in both even. People can filter in their client on the language they prefer :)


@Tutanota Wie wäre es auf beiden Sprachen im gleichen Toot? Die Möglichkeit fehlt mir in der Umfrage. ;)

Sabrina Web :privacypride:

@Tutanota would it be bothersome for you to write both versions?

Mustafa Kulle

How about English with the German translation at the bottom?

It would be nice to see how it sounds in that language, and beneficial to those who want to learn German/English too.

Simon Zerafa :donor: :verified:


Can you not do both?

Or label the toots correctly with the appropriate language and let people use the translation feature?


Generale Specifico

@Tutanota freundliche Herren von Tutanota, obwohl ich weiß, dass Deutsch eine interessante Sprache ist und sicherlich präziser und (in gewisser Weise) unterhaltsamer als Englisch, würde ich es vorziehen, Nachrichten auf Englisch zu erhalten, um sie direkter zu verstehen.
"Technisch gesehen" sollte ich derjenige sein, der Deutsch lernt, damit Sie diese Sprache im Netz erhalten können (und mein Gehirn trainieren! ;-) )



I really do not care, be you and do what you want to do!

I like seeing the translations, (I'm a casual polyglot) but maybe have two accounts, one in German, one in English?

Arnel Šarić Sharan :verified:

@Tutanota As much as Deutsch ist sehr gut, we want to understand what you're saying. Stay Englisch, es ist super toll!



@Tutanota - At times like this I sincerely wish there was an auxiliary artificial global language with less historic bagage than English. I once took part in creating one such language.

Meanwhile... None of those languages are native to me but I understand both nonetheless.

Den här (sista) delen av mitt svar är på ett av mina två modersmål och kan numera läsas tack vare översättningsfunktionen. Jag valde att påbörja svaret på engelska eftersom det är det främmande språk jag skriver bäst.


@Tutanota I keep my toots english but sometimes I comment german posts in german. I think english is better because it is more inclusive, there's more people speaking english than german, however if something is in german, it would be weird to reply to it in english in my opinion.

I'm fine with both but I recommend english since you have users outside of DE too.

Jakub Wolny :mastodance:

both if you like? also in french and spain if your users needs it and you can do it? :>

Nordnick :verified:


Wie wäre es mir beidem, ggf. über zwei Konten?

tripleman, a 🇨🇦 in 🇩🇪

@Tutanota Als ein Kanadier in Deutschland: Beide wären nicht schlecht.



I think that it is not important where company location is.

Important is who is reading.

in other words, what language your customers speak. But remember, your toots are not only read by customers.

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