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139 posts total

#India banned encrypted apps @briar @element & @threemaapp based on the argument that these apps would be used by "terrorists".

This makes India the first democracy to act like Russian or Iranian autocrats.

#Fight4Privacy #No2Backdoors

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@Tutanota @briar @element @threemaapp india has never been a democracy n will never be one.

Robbie 🇧🇪 :tux:

@Tutanota @briar @element @threemaapp Did they ban
vehicles, buildings and food too? Those are also extremely kikely to he used by terrorists....


Now you can automatically delete all 🔥 spam and 🗑️ trash emails older than 30 days in ALL #Tutanota apps.

Start saving #inbox storage every month without even a click.

Available on all Tutanota plans: paid & Free! 🙌

#spam #inbox0 #PrivacyMatters


Thousands of Tutanota users answered our survey. 🚀

Thank you all, here are the results! 🙌😀


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@Tutanota Based on this, it doesn't seem like you intend to complete the conversation view in the inbox.

Sadly, that is a deal breaker for me. Id been holding out because Id heard Proton has shared metadata about a user but email has to be usable to be useful.

If Im wrong about conversation view, please let me know when it works as one migrating from Gmail would expect.

Hudobni volk

@Tutanota I like the simple look.. Don't bloat the GUI code and the programme functions and options.. Be wise.. ;)


@Tutanota instead of a UI update a UX update would be better. small things like smoother sync behavior, All emails menu, more user friendly Calendar, Calendar widget etc.


Get excited with us: Pinch to zoom is coming to the Tutanota apps! 🥳💃🕺🤏

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The Privacy Advocate (

@Tutanota i wish i see spam goes permanently into spam or even trash. I have one email what hunts me daily in my mailbox regardless how often i click report that email


@Tutanota Could you also please add "pull down to refresh inbox" feature for the app please? Sometimes I had to close and reopen the app to see new emails.


After 15 months of intense negotiations, the Digital Markets Act becomes the first significant law to regulate gatekeepers.

Finally, the #DMA will limit the power of Big Tech! 🥳

This will give users more choice & better privacy. 💪



It's May already. Time to check your #NewYearsResolution. What privacy-friendly services have you switched to recently?


Here's a nice list recommended by our friends at @aboutprivacy to help you #DeGoogle! 😎😎😎


One month later, and this still makes us smile. 😎 Can you guess which of the below was an #AprilFool?

Einen Monat später bringt uns das hier immer noch zum Lachen. 😎 Kannst du erraten, welcher von den unten stehenden Behauptungen ein #Aprilscherz war?


@Tutanota Hello instead of mixing English and German together, could you please separate those and respect our language selections? 😉


Are AI tools really as smart as creative writers? 🧐 It looks like we will soon know for sure. In any case, AI and its influence on our societies must be watched closely: After all the tools were trained with human writers content who they are now supposed to replace.

Read more on this issue and why ChatGPT is a privacy nightmare: 👉

#ai #creative #content #writers #privacy #chatgpt #bard #ernie

Are AI tools really as smart as creative writers? 🧐 It looks like we will soon know for sure. In any case, AI and its influence on our societies must be watched closely: After all the tools were trained with human writers content who they are now supposed to replace.


Today is #worldpressfreedomday

Together with 45+ pro-privacy organizations such as @threemaapp @mozilla @nextcloud and others we are calling on democratic world leaders to uphold encryption, privacy & press freedom:

Our asks are simple:

▪️ Do NOT undermine encryption via overreaching legislative initiatives 🔒

▪️ Do NOT block or throttle technologies providing secure, encrypted services 🔒

#privacy #encryption #pressfreedom #pressfreedomday #worldpressfreedomday

Today is #worldpressfreedomday

Together with 45+ pro-privacy organizations such as @threemaapp @mozilla @nextcloud and others we are calling on democratic world leaders to uphold encryption, privacy & press freedom:

Our asks are simple:

Adina Adriel

@Tutanota @threemaapp @mozilla @nextcloud people dont sign up on your email service because once you sign up, you cant use it , you have to wait for days or months for it to be active. I mean but who creates a service or app like that with no ease of use?! Wish it was a great service but stopped going to their website a long time ago, dont want to be stood up

Power Of The Negative

@Tutanota @threemaapp @mozilla @nextcloud

I wonder what would happen if people asked for all Their money in cash ...


The #EarnItAct is one of the worst #surveillance bills out there. We've killed it twice, let's do so again! 💀

We've joined 130+ orgs to stop EARN IT from being passed as law.

You can help by signing the petition. Do so now!!! 👉

Der #EarnItAct ist eines der schlimmsten #Überwachungsgesetze.

Wir haben uns 130+ Orgs angeschlossen, um zu verhindern, dass EARN IT verabschiedet wird.

Hilf uns & unterzeichne die Petition! 👉


The #EarnItAct is one of the worst #surveillance bills out there. We've killed it twice, let's do so again! 💀

We've joined 130+ orgs to stop EARN IT from being passed as law.

You can help by signing the petition. Do so now!!! 👉

Der #EarnItAct ist eines der schlimmsten #Überwachungsgesetze.


#DeGoogling picks of the day:

@Tutanota - De-Googled email

@fdroidorg - Alternative to Google Play (You'll also find the Tutanota app here!)

@nextcloud - Create your own personal cloud

@peertube - Fediverse alternative to YouTube

@murena & @nitrokey - De-Googled Android phones

What are your favorites?

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Andres Jalinton

I love my Passbolt Self Hosted instance and I use Mattermost daily for coordination and organization.


@Tutanota @fdroidorg @nextcloud @peertube @murena @nitrokey

I wish that I could find a de-googled phone with a physical keyboard (like blackberry's)


You asked, we listened: You can now select all emails in a folder to move, mark as read, download or delete them. How do you like out latest improvement?! 🤩🎉

And what would you like to see next?

Check out upcoming features on our roadmap:

Dein Wunsch ist uns Befehl: Du kannst jetzt alle E-Mails in einem Ordner auswählen, um sie zu verschieben, herunterzuladen oder zu löschen. 🤩🎉

Sieh hier, was als nächstes auf unserer Roadmap steht:

You asked, we listened: You can now select all emails in a folder to move, mark as read, download or delete them. How do you like out latest improvement?! 🤩🎉

And what would you like to see next?

Check out upcoming features on our roadmap:

Dein Wunsch ist uns Befehl: Du kannst jetzt alle E-Mails in einem Ordner auswählen, um sie zu verschieben, herunterzuladen oder zu löschen. 🤩🎉

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@Tutanota it would be great to have a way of easily downliading/backing up all your emails.

Also, being able to split off accounts from the multi-account/buissness/team plan would be great.


Whoohoo, we've got a very first prototype of email import! 🥳

Are you excited as much as we are?! 😎



Juhu, wir haben einen allerersten Prototyp des E-Mail-Imports fertig! 🥳

Freut ihr euch auch so sehr wie wir?! 😎

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Data Disaster (incl. Politics)

@Tutanota exports für Datensicherung ebenso?

Danke für die sinnvolle Funktion 👍🏼


Awesome, that's great news! Any news about the Android widgets? What's the status? The issue tracker on Github (Calendar Widget #1756) is not getting updates looks like


You've seen it on Reddit or Hacker News: People complaining their self-hosted emails always end up in the spam folder of Gmail - even if they set up everything correctly. The question being asked: Is Gmail killing independent email? 🧐

Du hast es wahrscheinlich schon auf Reddit & Hacker News gesehen: Leute, die sich beschweren, dass ihre selbst gehosteten E-Mails immer im Spam-Ordner von Gmail landen. Gerechtfertigt oder Missbrauch der Macht? 🧐

You've seen it on Reddit or Hacker News: People complaining their self-hosted emails always end up in the spam folder of Gmail - even if they set up everything correctly. The question being asked: Is Gmail killing independent email? 🧐

Du hast es wahrscheinlich schon auf Reddit & Hacker News gesehen: Leute, die sich beschweren, dass ihre selbst gehosteten E-Mails immer im Spam-Ordner von Gmail landen. Gerechtfertigt oder Missbrauch der Macht? 🧐

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Lutin Discret

@Tutanota can't #DMA regulation do something about that? Like, a collective action against Google and Microsoft to force them to interop at email level

cc @SuVergnolle

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥷☣️

@Tutanota These posts confuse me. I'm not the most technical person around. I'm not the least, either, but certainly not the most. And yet, I've been hosting my own email and talking with people on Gmail fine for years. All I did was set up #Yunohost on a VPS that wasn't chock full of spammers, follow Yunohost's instructions on what to add to the DNS settings, regularly update and... well, that's pretty much it.

Somehow though, social is full of claims that selfhosting email is impossible?



Yes, Gmail absolutely makes it difficult to get reliable delivery to Gmail users if you're not on Gmail or one of the other big webmail providers.

My server has never sent spam, ever.
It's had the same IP address for 15 years.
It's not on the DUL or any other list.
It is properly configured for and uses SMTP STARTTLS, DKIM, and SPF.
It has restrictive policies for SPF and DMARC and advertises as such.
It passes all validators.

And deliverability to #Gmail is a complete crapshoot.


Yes, Gmail absolutely makes it difficult to get reliable delivery to Gmail users if you're not on Gmail or one of the other big webmail providers.

My server has never sent spam, ever.
It's had the same IP address for 15 years.
It's not on the DUL or any other list.
It is properly configured for and uses SMTP STARTTLS, DKIM, and SPF.
It has restrictive policies for SPF and DMARC and advertises as such.
It passes all validators.


Release time (web & desktop)! 🥳

- Buttons to reply etc. stay at the top while you scroll
- You can select all emails in a folder
- You can preview a long file name before downloading

How do you like these small improvements?

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@Tutanota Loving most of it, but to be honest, the checkboxes take some getting used to. The UI feels a bit more cluttered now, I loved the cleanliness


@Tutanota Having the buttons stay put when you scroll is a nice improvement.


The #EARNIT bill is aiming at scanning our messages and photos, but opposition is HUGE. EARN IT is an internet surveillance bill that makes all of us less safe by attacking encryption under the guise or protecting children.

We’ve killed this bill twice, let's do it again! 💀💀💀

Check here how you can help! 👉


You deserve a better mailbox. Get it now! 😎👉

Du verdienst eine bessere Mailbox. Hol sie dir jetzt! 😎👉


@Tutanota even better is #mailboxorg! Who actually care about privacy and allows to add own PGP Keys!


The AI ChatGPT has not been built for privacy - will the EU now stop this popular tool? 🧐

The ban of ChatGPT in Italy has sparked a Europe-wide debate between those who are enthusiastic & those who warn against it.


ChatGPT wurde nicht für den Datenschutz entwickelt - wird die EU dieses beliebte Tool jetzt stoppen? 🧐

Das Verbot von ChatGPT in Italien hat eine europaweite Debatte zwischen Befürwortern und Gegnern ausgelöst.

Lies mehr! 👇

The AI ChatGPT has not been built for privacy - will the EU now stop this popular tool? 🧐

The ban of ChatGPT in Italy has sparked a Europe-wide debate between those who are enthusiastic & those who warn against it.


ChatGPT wurde nicht für den Datenschutz entwickelt - wird die EU dieses beliebte Tool jetzt stoppen? 🧐

Joshua Breeze

@Tutanota I think many European countries will consider limiting its use, or banning it in certain settings.


#ChatControl #OnlineSafetyBill #EarnIt - Lots of politicians want to undermine encryption once again. When will they ever learn that a "backdoor for the good guys only" is simply not possible?

Learn here why we must keep fighting for strong #encryption:

#OSB #CSAM #ClientSideScanning #Privacy

Politiker wollen wieder einmal die Verschlüsselung untergraben. Wann werden sie jemals lernen, dass eine "Hintertür nur für die Guten" einfach nicht möglich ist?

#ChatControl #OnlineSafetyBill #EarnIt - Lots of politicians want to undermine encryption once again. When will they ever learn that a "backdoor for the good guys only" is simply not possible?

Learn here why we must keep fighting for strong #encryption:

Dawid Rejowski


Regarding the picture (not post, not about the bill), Apple has a universal backdoor to all their devices, Apple's case is already done.


Where in the world could politicians be "the good guys"?


Did you ever wonder how Tutanota's encryption is able to protect all your data? Check out our new encryption page with lots of interesting facts! 🔒😍

We ♥️ #encryption!


#security #privacy #email #data

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