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Today is #worldpressfreedomday

Together with 45+ pro-privacy organizations such as @threemaapp @mozilla @nextcloud and others we are calling on democratic world leaders to uphold encryption, privacy & press freedom:

Our asks are simple:

β–ͺ️ Do NOT undermine encryption via overreaching legislative initiatives πŸ”’

β–ͺ️ Do NOT block or throttle technologies providing secure, encrypted services πŸ”’

#privacy #encryption #pressfreedom #pressfreedomday #worldpressfreedomday


@mj @threemaapp @mozilla @nextcloud We contacted them, but did not get a reply. Maybe it just slipped through?

Adina Adriel

@Tutanota @threemaapp @mozilla @nextcloud people dont sign up on your email service because once you sign up, you cant use it , you have to wait for days or months for it to be active. I mean but who creates a service or app like that with no ease of use?! Wish it was a great service but stopped going to their website a long time ago, dont want to be stood up


@adinadriel If your account is not approved, please contact us at Thank you!

Power Of The Negative

@Tutanota @threemaapp @mozilla @nextcloud

I wonder what would happen if people asked for all Their money in cash ...

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