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Whoohoo, we've got a very first prototype of email import! πŸ₯³

Are you excited as much as we are?! 😎



Juhu, wir haben einen allerersten Prototyp des E-Mail-Imports fertig! πŸ₯³

Freut ihr euch auch so sehr wie wir?! 😎


@Tutanota When can I test it on my legacy gmail accounts for the entire family? Some 10+ years of mail accumulated in there :)
Also, if I do import 10+ years of mail history, how will the search keep up with that?
And YES I am at least as excited about it!!


@martijndevrieze It's a very first prototype, challenge now it that emails are correctly sorted into folders. This might take a few more months; hopefully we can release during the summer.

We plan to improve search in general, and for this we will also focus on performance in larger mailboxes. On desktop performance is already excellent (just make sure not to delete the cached search index).


@Tutanota sounds awesome! Really looking forward to it. If you need beta users, i gladly volunteer;)


@waywardchild It's a very first prototype, challenge now it that emails are correctly sorted into folders. This might take a few more months; hopefully we can release during the summer.


@Tutanota Okay, so, no icecream anymore unless this very thing runs! πŸ˜‰

Data Disaster (incl. Politics)

@Tutanota exports fΓΌr Datensicherung ebenso?

Danke fΓΌr die sinnvolle Funktion πŸ‘πŸΌ


@DU_HW_IO Ja, eine Archivierungsfunktion ist geplant!


Awesome, that's great news! Any news about the Android widgets? What's the status? The issue tracker on Github (Calendar Widget #1756) is not getting updates looks like


@luvcie Please track the roadmap, it's moving up constantly!

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