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The Mastodon community is growing by the minute. We ourselves have seen a massive influx of followers these last few months.

How likely is it that you will still be on #Mastodon next year?


Anonymous poll


✅ Of course
⭕ Not sure
❌ No way
5,238 people voted.
Voting ended 3 Apr 2023 at 17:14.

@Tutanota I'll stay around. I love the tech, I love the people, I love the conversations I can have here. So yeah, I'm sticking around for the long run I believe 😎

This Old Hiker

@Tutanota I'm enjoying the interactions here a lot. They fit my nerdy personality well. There is room for growth on the public information and news media fronts, which are mostly undeveloped.

jonossa seuraava

@Tutanota mastodon is not the only platform on fedi



@Tutanota Holy copium its open source software you think people will use this when Opera GX can slap an FPS meter to their browser and get tons of ppl to switch to them

Jürgen Hubert

@Tutanota After long years on Google+ and Twitter, I am just happy to be on a platform that _can't_ just be closed down or irrevocably altered by corporate whim.

Rule 2 Racing ✔️

@Tutanota …a year ago I didn’t think I’d be off Twitter.

Christiaan :fedora: :flag_nl:

I don't intend to leave the #Fediverse after 5 years. I *might* consider running my own node (probably running Pleroma if I do), but I'm here to stay ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ

Jonah Falcon

@Tutanota Not when I get zero customer support from a product I just purchased, NO.


@Tutanota I'm having a bit of difficulty finding interesting people to follow. Like #science communicators and idea focused people. Rather than current events. Any recommendations?

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@Tutanota Been here since 2017, unlikely to leave. Unless this place turns into a duplicate of OnlyKlans, which is hopefully unlikely.



None of the above. I mean yeah, I will likely still be "here" in a year, I don't see why not. But I can't say "Of course".


@Tutanota well if you are computer savvy probably ...those of us that cannot figure this out probably is slowly killing me already...


@Tutanota stay around unless something makes me unable to use internet IRL lol

Digital Mark λ 📚 🕹 💾 🥃

@Tutanota Mastodon dot social? Haven't been there in years, terrible place, I highly recommend moving off it.

Mastodon the server? Eh, it's working for now but it would not be my first choice for anything.

Fediverse, the ActivityPub network? Likely to be the only social network/sharing protocol for decades to come.


@Tutanota unless I die or it gets somehow someway acquired by an imbecile, I am staying. Highly unlikely to be "acquired", you can always carve out your own space on fediverse, so 99.99% will be here.



If the default character limit were raised to 2,500 Mastodon's popularity would explode fellow citizen Tutanota.

As humanity is too complex to discuss and debate in 500.

However I greatly appreciate Mastodon and it's many compassionate instances, and of course will remain and continue to wrangle with the restrictions as best as I can.

"That we are not together.

That is the greatest lie ever told."


If the default character limit were raised to 2,500 Mastodon's popularity would explode fellow citizen Tutanota.

As humanity is too complex to discuss and debate in 500.

However I greatly appreciate Mastodon and it's many compassionate instances, and of course will remain and continue to wrangle with the restrictions as best as I can.


I never liked the bird site. I’ve long since grown tired of the book of faces which my mother’s generation seems to adore, and never cottoned to the children’s video consumptions.
I am Goldilocks and this bowl of porridge is juuuuuuuust right.


@Tutanota I run a small instance. Community of around 5 people. Been steady at this number for years, give or take.

I'm not going anywhere.

It's weird to see Mastodon start to have "official" presence from news orgs and celebrities, though.


@Tutanota If there are still posts, then I'll still use it


@Tutanota As long as my friend keeps his server available (and I don't do anything stupid). I'm still figuring out what I'm doing. I'm not a programmer, I'm SAH, and can't really *do* much, but putter around online. But the friends I have on Mastadon are pretty awesome, and the people I've found through those friends are also really nifty. I just have no idea what I'm /doing/.

Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢

@Tutanota I'll always be here. I've been in the #fediverse since Evan, father of the fediverse, launched #Laconica (first software) and #Identica (first instance) when the network was still using the #OpenMicroBlogging protocol in 2008.

So, yeah, I'll always be here for as long as I breathe. ^_^


@Tutanota No where else that is more friendly.


@BPStuart @Tutanota Stephen Kurtis Chapman once sang, "I will be here." That is what I say when I am asked if I will be on Mastodon in a year.

HectorTelloc 🗡️

@Tutanota I went all in. Twitter's days are numbered. It's going to be as dead as Facebook soon. I didn't think it would happen but have noticed it's falling apart. Having a lot of users is not the same as having quality users.



I just moved to mastadon yesterday from the bird app. I am enjoying it so far. Just need to figure how i can add favorite topics to my explore feed.


@Tutanota Very weird question, why am i asked if i'll be on mastodon and not on fediverse? I cant engage in this poll in good faith because im sure that the moment #calckey android app drops, im leaving mastodon for it.


@Tutanota As an old Southern saying goes, “God willing, Jesus helping — and if the creek don’t rise.”😆

(The reference to “the creek” rising refers to natural disasters like floods, etc.)


@Tutanota I'm having a lot of technical problems trying to use Mastodon but I like it enough that I will probably persist.


@Tutanota I would stay, but 90% of Mastodon is news about Twitter. I feel like I’m getting second hand information.

Abe the Honest

@Tutanota i don't see myself going back to Twitter, which is going the way of 4chan.

Jacob - Challenging Apathy

@Tutanota Not sure. Love the idea of the Fediverse and decentralized tech in general but I'm finding it harder to find followers and people to follow. Never really had this issue on other social media. Again, love the concept, just not sure if it's right for me, personally.


@Tutanota - Any platform that doesn't require tagging of political and religious thoughts or belief systems, and have functional opt-out filtering for these topics will have the same issues noted by people in this poll. The problem is always the user base and people thinking their ideology is of more value or more righteous than the next. #Mastodon

I still plan to not even comment on political/religious issues here...and if I don't know you personally, I'd rather not hear your opinion either.

Gull (Thomas)

@Tutanota I'm happy to say that Mastodon has entered my daily rotation.


@Tutanota Since I've been on here, I've made more contacts than years on twitt. I've yet to have 1 single person threatening me for my beliefs. I've made friends. I have had some good discord with people with other ideas and we were able to come to agreements in the middle of the road. On twitt, if you express and opinion you get nothing but you are stupid. don't know what your doing. Even if it is also your job to know these things!


@Tutanota I felt somewhere between "not sure' and "of course" - so I pressed "not sure" and it registered as "of course".

Haelos Dagaz

@Tutanota Mate it literally changed my answer and refuses to let me change it back. I actually clicked 'not sure' and it straight up invalidated my choice, shows me having clicked the top result. Tf?

Cats Who Code 💙💛

@Tutanota I've a feeling I will be on it after I die :flan_laugh:


@Tutanota on my iPad, the start view was shown as 123% :blobnotlike:

HistoPol (#HP)


I can hardly believe it:

91% voted #Remain!
Brits, take notice. 😉


@Tutanota But to be fair, how many of us would have said the same about #birdsite a year ago? Imagine if there were thousands of #elonClones out there, each willing to pay $44 billion for one federated node apiece. (don’t say it couldn’t happen. look what’s happened in new york today. the mills of god grind slow)

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