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Release time! 🎉 Our team has been hard at work to push an update to Tutanota. 🥳 You can now

* Create repeating events & delete individual entries

* Enjoy more space for reading emails on mobile clients as we've moved the subject line into the header
Unser Team hat hart daran gearbeitet, ein Update für Tutanota zu veröffentlichen. 🥳 Du kannst jetzt

* Wiederkehrende Termine erstellen & einzelne Einträge löschen

* Mehr Platz zum Lesen von E-Mails auf mobilen Clients


@Tutanota To completely switch from Google calendar to Tuta, I need a search function in the calendar.


@wallar Thanks for your feedback, that's already planned!


@Tutanota That's great news. Then I will transfer my Google stuff completely to Tuta. I am very pleased with Tuta so far

Ole :mastodon:

Bravo! 👏

Aber bitte auch bei der Desktop- und Webversion an den Platz denken und die beiden Seitenleisten verkleinerbar bzw kollabierbar machen! 🙏


@Tutanota Just updated to 3.112.5 on desktop. Wish there was an option to revert back to old layout. I don't use either Contacts or Calendar, so would much prefer those buttons to be placed at the top and out of the way


@Tutanota That's great news, when can we expect the updated version in the f-droid repo? It's starting to lag behind.


@Popper0716 Should be coming in a few days, we don't have control over it.


@Tutanota Nice work, it's getting better all the time! Is time zone support coming soon please, as it's a pain trying to track events when you travel between timezones?


@bicycleben Thanks for your feedback. It's not among our immediate to-dos, but I'll forward your request.


@Tutanota thanks for the update, please update the UI 👍


@Tutanota I love your email! Any plan for an Android widget? I've been asking/waiting for the last 3 years :(


@luvcie We plan to add a widget for the calendar. Do you also want one for the mailbox as well?


@Tutanota if EU passes #chatcontrol what would be the impact on Tutanota? In particular, will you be forced to expose all our emails to the authorities?


@luvcie Right now we are fighting against this, as you are as well, we hope! If the law passes, we will see what is says exactly. What we can say for sure is that we are not going to weaken or undermine the encryption used in Tutanota.


@Tutanota yes of course I'm fighting it! Hopefully everything is going to work out and they won't ask you for backdoors or any way to expose our personal info and data. As usual we rely on your transparency. Thanks for the quick reply

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