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Eugen Rochko

Can anyone with a Wikipedia account please correct the URL in the info box on this article from to Thank you

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@Gargron you would need an editor for the spanish secrion.. (es)

Jimmy Olano

@Gargron Done, it was corrected by user Spanishbizarro.🔧 🛠️

Jimmy Olano

@Gargron Done, it was correct by user Spanishbizarro.🔧 🛠️

Eugen Rochko

Imma be honest with you chief regardless of the fact that I think *ought* to stay open for reasons I outlined on our official blog I am feeling psychologically overwhelmed by the influx of new people and worried if my architecture will be able to handle it... It's been put to the test by a fair number of overlapping user migrations recently...

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@Gargron This is an old issue. I agree with you completely that people should go to, but I also think that should close it's registrations permanently and that you should open a new flagship server (e.g., can redirect to the current It's just an idea, but IMO the best one.


@Gargron CEO @Mastodon expresa: "Me siento psicológicamente abrumado por la afluencia de nuevas personas y me preocupa si mi arquitectura podrá manejarlo ...", creemos que se refiere a lo que le dice un empleado sobre su arquitectura/sistema.

@ANDR3Z77 @Bloque_Patria @CriseidaPsuv @dulceblanco @ERASTRIA @kalimancastillo @Guerrilla_2019@Hojillera @Iralva @ChavistaGanador @KatherineLucena @lubrio @tattianacc5 @PatriotaFiel @ViceVenezuela @tuiterorebelde

Renato Ramonda

@Gargron honestly, I migrated away from a small and not very maintanined server recently and picked because I figured it would be up-to-date.

The process is fairly painless I guess (aside from people having to re-follow you on the new account) so if needed I'll migrate again.

It would be nice to be able to import the posts dump to restore the history on another server, tough.

Eugen Rochko

Was thinking it would be nice to dedicate some area of the UI to tips about things people might not know about. For example, that you can move your followers to another account, or that you can export/import a lot of stuff. Don't know where I would put it though. Any ideas?


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@Gargron in the newer UI it could be right below the text input form. Would probably get the most attention.Just make so that it disappears or minimizes when enough text is entered.


@Gargron Maybe as part of a mini tutorial when people select the settings cog on the web UI. Something you can skip easily though.

Eugen Rochko

Hey, question! Some of you have noticed that some follow requests appear as follow requests even though your account is not locked. This is a sort of "junk" filter system and based on your server's moderators decisions (not algorithm). We're adding a message that explains this to the follow requests screen, how does this text sound?

"While your account is not locked, follow requests from accounts your server's staff has deemed suspicious require manual review for your safety"


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@Gargron Maybe break up the text into two sentences to reduce wordiness? I'm just nitpicking, though. 😛

"While your account is not locked, manual review is still required for these follow requests. These accounts have been deemed potentially suspicious or unsafe by your server's staff."

Or it can be rearranged

"While your account is not locked, manual review is still required for follow requests from accounts your server's staff has deemed potentially suspicious or unsafe."


@Gargron Maybe break up the text into two sentences to reduce wordiness? I'm just nitpicking, though. 🙂

"While your account is not locked, manual review is still required for these follow requests. These accounts have been deemed potentially suspicious or unsafe by your server's staff."

Or it can be rearranged

"While your account is not locked, manual review is still required for follow requests from accounts your server's staff has deemed potentially suspicious or unsafe."

Toni :mastodon:

@Gargron si, a mi me ha pasado, ya lo encontraba raro si.

No se no se, ¿sospechosa? ¿De que? ¿Por que?¿Para quien lo es? No me gusta.

Mnnn....A mi personalmente me sobra.

Y no me dice lo del texto que pones de advertencia.Solo veo botón aceptar o eliminar debajo de la cuenta que no he querido que salga en la imagen.

Eugen Rochko

Is anyone planning to start a Venezuelan Mastodon server yet?

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Francisco Espinoza

@Gargron en CNTI estamos haciendo los arreglos para instalar una instancia de Mastodon, pronto estaremos compartiendo mayor información

Eugen Rochko

Disney Pulls ‘Artemis Fowl’ From Theatrical Release, Will Debut on Disney+

Great, now just erase it altogether and start from scratch

King Vitaman II

@Gargron when is someone going to be brave enough to adapt The Supernaturalists?

Eugen Rochko

Testing some streaming API server changes, if you notice something odd about it please let me know

Eugen Rochko

Some of's streaming API connections are currently handled by flodgatt

Eugen Rochko

Kmac2021's album IMPOSTER is actually quite decent. I don't know why I say "actually". Because he shitposts? Because my primary exposure to him is as a YouTuber and not a musician? Anyway, it's quite decent.

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@Gargron and then, make the Chinese government implement appropriate hygiene measures for wet markets, *before* SARS-CoV-2 can spread!

Aunt Swiggony


let's just all agree to start from 2010 cold. everyone back to 2010, immediately. new timeline

Deadly Headshot

@GargronApril 2015! Before the election, when we were hopeful things might improve instead of diving steeply into the abyss...

Eugen Rochko

Hmm, is it just me or are a lot of people joining Mastodon right now? Did something happen?

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@Gargron I also issued about 2 press releases promoting the sever I now run and the mastodon network. It made it into yahoo news, google, prnewswire and 40o other site. Cool project. Well done man.


@Gargron dont know. Probably the people want privacy and data self-determination? 🤔

Eugen Rochko

My city, in a stroke of brilliance, reduced the number of different tram lines and their frequency. Everything to make sure the otherwise reduced number of people on the streets is as tightly packed in public transport as possible. Big brain move

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Carlos Solís

@Gargron Instead of, you know, forbidding all transport period (and hoping people stocked enough food for 18 months of lockdown)?

Tim Bailey


It's the same as putting the more seriously affected victims into shared wards, which only serves to concentrate the air and objects around them. Obviously, this puts them at a higher risk of death.

Oxygen masks and tents only serve to concentrate the degree of infection.

The Covid-19 fiasco is merely to collapse the world' economies.

I'd like to see Boris Johnson force fed human scat. That way he would know what it's like to have shit rammed his throat, just as he does to us.

Moritz Dietz

@Gargron yeah I've been noticing it too and had the very same thought. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Eugen Rochko

Hm, the latest version of redis-server available on Ubuntu 16.04 is 3, while one of the recent Sidekiq updates raises the requirement to 4... Not ideal 😬

Markus Ueberall

@Gargron What about simply building/"backporting" a newer version?

Jeremy Kitchen

@Gargron this is one thing I love about containerization. I can run whatever version I want in a declarative and reasonable way.

Tim Bailey


I was using 16.04 until recently.

With having to use on-screen keyboards and a wireless mouse, from my bed, the word prediction and learning settings became a serious issue.

Whilst visiting a particular website, the keyboard software went into overdrive. Typing combinations of words "all by itself".

It rapidly installed other drivers and bios software.

I can't do physical things now, so, a store-fitted new motherboard, graphics card and hard drive later, a new install of Mint.


@Gargron I'm thinking like wtf. crazy sh@t V for vendetta and Italy... just saying (Borishitpost)

That Ole Progressive Show


Well well well...

Look who's being forced to stop kissing Thatcher's arse and look at the world...

Eugen Rochko

I pulled an all-nighter and now I can’t fall asleep either 😬

Eugen Rochko

I’m trying to relax really hard!! It’s not working

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