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Eugen Rochko

Hey, question! Some of you have noticed that some follow requests appear as follow requests even though your account is not locked. This is a sort of "junk" filter system and based on your server's moderators decisions (not algorithm). We're adding a message that explains this to the follow requests screen, how does this text sound?

"While your account is not locked, follow requests from accounts your server's staff has deemed suspicious require manual review for your safety"

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@gargron not sure about the 'for your safety' bit


@Gargron i'd say it should be simpler. "the <<instance name>> staff think this follow request might be suspicious. please confirm."

@Gargron isn't it just about silenced instances? maybe make that clearer?

deemed suspicious makes it sound like it's a security issue which usually is not the case.
Eugen Rochko

Updated: "Even though your account is not locked, the [server name] staff thought you might want to review follow requests from these accounts manually"


@Gargron Maybe break up the text into two sentences to reduce wordiness? I'm just nitpicking, though. 😛

"While your account is not locked, manual review is still required for these follow requests. These accounts have been deemed potentially suspicious or unsafe by your server's staff."

Or it can be rearranged

"While your account is not locked, manual review is still required for follow requests from accounts your server's staff has deemed potentially suspicious or unsafe."


@Gargron Maybe break up the text into two sentences to reduce wordiness? I'm just nitpicking, though. 🙂

"While your account is not locked, manual review is still required for these follow requests. These accounts have been deemed potentially suspicious or unsafe by your server's staff."

Or it can be rearranged

"While your account is not locked, manual review is still required for follow requests from accounts your server's staff has deemed potentially suspicious or unsafe."

Toni :mastodon:

@Gargron si, a mi me ha pasado, ya lo encontraba raro si.

No se no se, ¿sospechosa? ¿De que? ¿Por que?¿Para quien lo es? No me gusta.

Mnnn....A mi personalmente me sobra.

Y no me dice lo del texto que pones de advertencia.Solo veo botón aceptar o eliminar debajo de la cuenta que no he querido que salga en la imagen.

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