My city, in a stroke of brilliance, reduced the number of different tram lines and their frequency. Everything to make sure the otherwise reduced number of people on the streets is as tightly packed in public transport as possible. Big brain move
My city, in a stroke of brilliance, reduced the number of different tram lines and their frequency. Everything to make sure the otherwise reduced number of people on the streets is as tightly packed in public transport as possible. Big brain move No comments
@Gargron And you don't understand, right?"Essentially stupid people are dangerous and damaging because reasonable people find it difficult to imagine and understand unreasonable behaviour."Here, have a read: @Gargron Instead of, you know, forbidding all transport period (and hoping people stocked enough food for 18 months of lockdown)? It's the same as putting the more seriously affected victims into shared wards, which only serves to concentrate the air and objects around them. Obviously, this puts them at a higher risk of death. Oxygen masks and tents only serve to concentrate the degree of infection. The Covid-19 fiasco is merely to collapse the world' economies. I'd like to see Boris Johnson force fed human scat. That way he would know what it's like to have shit rammed his throat, just as he does to us. |
@Gargron Isn't it simply because many workers are missing (at home with children, or sick)?