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Григорий Клюшников

A good start, but I also wish web browsers would have 3rd party cookies disabled by default. There are some genuinely good use cases for them, but all the ways the modern web abuses them far outweighs those.


@Gargron Now Mark knows what it's like to get Zucked.

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@Gargron Good morning Eugen, would you kindly tell me where am I? I was searching for Diaspora, it has a Facebook link

Eugen Rochko

What I don't really understand is who decided that kitchen appliances should be operated using touch interfaces. Yes, let me press my finger against hot glass to have my finger not recognized half the time

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Dawn Tåke 🏳️‍⚧️


I have little doubt that at least part of the reason is planned obsolescence. It's a lot easier to handwave a touch interface breaking than a knob stop working.

The other half is to get more shit into the Apple Minimalism Hellscape.
In ten years when that becomes tacky people will have to replace the ones still working.

Eugen Rochko

I bought a new, larger frying pan. Was looking at cast iron ones because they're held in such a high regard on Mastodon but they're really expensive and heavy and I probably don't cook well enough to really get the value out of them anyway.

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A good frying pan does not have to be cast iron. But cheap pans are often thin gauge metal. After a few months of usage the bottom warps and food does not cook evenly. At least buy a good brand name.


@Gargron I bought a 10'' iron skillet with iron lid off for pretty cheap. Looks like their prices went up a bit. I payed like 30 something for it.
Cool thing about cast iron is they're easy to clean and last forever. Not too mention they can go from stove to oven to open flame. Really good long lasting steel type skillets are expensive. Plus they would never look too good on a campfire.


@Gargron For next one I'd recommend a carbon steel pan.
They're lighter and more often reasonably priced (likely because they get less attention so manufacturers don't inflate the price) but should also last a very long time.
Also like cast iron they need to be seasoned before use and you need to clean and hand dry them right after using. And while seasoning is a one time thing if you're the kind to forget food / dirt on the pan neither is a great option.

Eugen Rochko

Am I wrong to not be impressed by GPT-3?

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your purple friend

@gargron i mean.. it's just the latest shiny "AI" "machine learning" thing. people were equally 👀 about megahal or whatever.

🥝 rothair

@Gargron from a friend:
tl;dr no, you're probably not. It's a nice and expensive autocompletion algorithm, quite far away from AGI :p


@Gargron No. I think it’s rational not to be. But I guess people who are close to the subject matter tend to get their feelings hurt when we shrug at the advances in their field. It is impressive but only in the “dancing bear” sort of way. Yea they got a bear to dance...not well, and it doesn’t know what it’s doing but it’s an accomplishment

Dan York

@Gargron Thanks for the info about 3.2.0. You mention audio functionality. How do you use that?


@Gargron stupid question re: E2EE; isn't everything already https?

Eugen Rochko

Does anyone know which Mastodon apps support the sign-up API by now?

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infinite love ⴳ

@Gargron subway tooter does, at least? not sure if anyone else has done so, though...

Eugen Rochko

Documentation updates:

I've written details about the majority of environment variables in Mastodon:

And I wrote about how to proxy S3 stuff through nginx to save money:


@Gargron this is *awesome*. is there a docs page on the the required additional configuration for WEB_DOMAIN as I would love to move references to my parent domain?

Eugen Rochko

It is too fucking hot, I think to myself as I put the kettle on to make some tea

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@Gargron You gotta quit sleeping next to the Mastodon servers...


@Gargron It's hotter than the Hubs of Hell here too, and HUMID!! 😖


Keep the back of your head and
your temples wet with cold water.
It helps for a while.

Eugen Rochko

I have to write a whole bunch of different stuff... Urgh

Eugen Rochko

Added a troubleshooting section to 3.2.0 release notes.

Eugen Rochko

Oh the whole new Haken album dropped

wabisabi 🇵🇸

@Gargron oh yeah, Carousel and Ivory Tower are my favorite tracks so far.

Eugen Rochko

Watered my plants, washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, wrote documentation, released 3.2.0

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@Gargron im just preparing my tinkering laptop for os dev stuff , going to be using gentoo.

i don't actually plan on keep the resulting os if one even is created from this tinkering .
i'm just doing it for the learning.

whole bunch of tuts though just keep saying i should already know the stuff in order to learn the stuff , and i'm like well what the point of learning it if i already know it. XD

but there still pretty informative despite that little nit pick.
@Gargron im just preparing my tinkering laptop for os dev stuff , going to be using gentoo.

i don't actually plan on keep the resulting os if one even is created from this tinkering .

@Gargron Can we safely install 3.2.0 now?


@Gargron Ann aunt may have told you that you'd make someone a good wife. 😸

Eugen Rochko

After GitHub put an archive of Mastodon code into arctic ice it got me thinking how dependent our rollout mechanism is on contemporary infrastructure like RubyGems and NPM. That bit us in the ass at least one time when a release of Mastodon became uninstallable because a package author removed a specific version of a package. At least our Docker images are entirely self-contained/pre-built.

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Atridad Lahiji

@Gargron this is why I've started hosting my own gitea, drone ci, and Verdaccio instances. Would recommend.

Dmitry Borodaenko

@Gargron Build on top of Debian/sid. Old distro releases aren't going to get yanked from under you, and the state of the rolling release is always internally consistent. Including cross-language dependencies: a problem RubyGems and NPM generally ignore.

My #npmgate rant:

Drew DeVault

@Gargron a project with a thousand dependencies has a thousand liabilities

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