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2,683 posts total
Eugen Rochko

It is very kind of dependabot to push like 70 new jobs into CircleCI exactly while I was debugging CircleCI. Love to have my work interrupted for a bajillion hours because some library 5 levels down the chain of what I actually ever use updated from 15.4.0 to 15.4.1

Eugen Rochko

Starting to think that eating rice from a flat plate might be a fool's errand

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@Gargron rice in the flat plate is the same as rice in the bowl but upside down

@Gargron use risotto k-bowl plates, a mix between a bown and a flat plate designed for rice:…
Eugen Rochko

Slack-rival #Element (formerly Riot) wins largest ever collaborative software deal

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:ggc: Niklas

@Gargron It's great to see Matrix becoming mainstream more and more.If using Matrix will be learned at schools,maybe many children will like it and use it privately,too.That would be really great πŸ˜ƒ


@Gargron Why is he praising regular cheap apartment buildings we have anywhere as if they were the best thing in the world? Bloomberg, I guess.

Eugen Rochko

It remains to be seen whether this morning is good or not

maique :microblog:

@Gargron So far it’s going pretty well around here. Hope yours turns out ok too. Have a great day.


@Gargron well today was good here, so I reckon now the sun’s over on your hemisphere, it’s gonna be OK.

Eugen Rochko

Whoever made the fifth Harry Potter movie made the unblockable killing cuse blockable by spells so instead of agile fighting where you have to dodge or conjure objects to take the blow we could watch two people hold their wands really intensely at each other whilew standing still

Eugen Rochko

Searching for "cluckers" to check on the progress of search re-indexing

Mastodon Headline News

BREAKING: Correspondent @Gargron Reports That Cluckers Are Searchable! We Investigate Tonight, At Eleven!

Eugen Rochko temporarily losing its search has not been completely in vain: I've improved the re-indexing function so it should run faster for other server admins as well (in 3.2.0)

Eugen Rochko

Bought a small household item from a known-name online store. The item arrived in Amazon packaging. Checked the item on Amazon, it's half the price I paid on the non-Amazon store. I got fucking scammed lads. Even when you're trying to not buy from Amazon, you end up with Amazon. Contacted customer support 😐

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@Gargron So you got the bad of giving your data to Amazon and missed the good of buying at a better price.

Deadly Headshot

@Gargron I bought my sister's Christmas present last year on eBay in order to avoid Amazon. It arrived in amazon packaging, just as yours did, and it was clear the seller had just bought it with my details in the postage and pocketted the difference. I was not impressed.

Eugen Rochko

Who even likes salt and vinegar crisps. What an unpleasant taste

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ars goatse

@Gargron canceled for disrespecting salt + vin


@Gargron You used to be able to buy these crisps that came with a bag of salt, and that was cool as fuck

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@Gargron It could give antivirus outfits more to do.


@Gargron Good luck to them forcing some of us to have their trojans installed on OUR fucking devices...
Especially open source based ones...


@Gargron this is just the public announcement, as if they didn't do this kind of stuff beforeπŸ˜‚

Eugen Rochko

Would be nice if Facebook SDK remained broken so people would be forced to remove it from their apps...

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@Gargron you'd have thought they'd not want to include so there app wasn't unaffected by a 3rd party, wasn't that long since it broke the last time.

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