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Eugen Rochko

Who even likes salt and vinegar crisps. What an unpleasant taste

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Григорий Клюшников

I mean there are people who legitimately like cauliflower.

Miranda // MILF about town

@gargron you shut the hell up sometimes you just want to chemically sear the inside of your mouth


@Gargron What is this Blasphemy!? Salt and Vinegar is absolutely quality man!

Maybe you just haven't tried any good ones?

Scully 🍻

@Gargron love salt & vinegar crisps!

Still hate Gordon Ramsay.

Sam the Octopus

@Gargron why wouldn't you have salt and vinegar crisps? salt and vinegar just goes really well with fried potato things



Pleasant is in the tongue of the licker.


@Gargron tastes like drinking vinegar. That's horrible!


@Gargron Not me, although I don't object to other people liking them... For various reasons.


@Gargron come at me salt and vinegar is the best flavour


@Gargron They're better than ketchup flavoured.


@Gargron I like how they strip the lining from the inside of my mouth. It’s like an internal cleanse for my taste buds.

Deadly Headshot

@Gargron Depends how they're made. Try some made with Balsamic vinegar.


@Gargron yummy. Though the new pickle flavors are better like a salt and vinegar lite.

ars goatse

@Gargron canceled for disrespecting salt + vin


@Gargron You used to be able to buy these crisps that came with a bag of salt, and that was cool as fuck

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