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Eugen Rochko

Watered my plants, washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, wrote documentation, released 3.2.0

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maique :microblog:

@Gargron Great job with the dishes! Thanks! 😉

@Gargron im just preparing my tinkering laptop for os dev stuff , going to be using gentoo.

i don't actually plan on keep the resulting os if one even is created from this tinkering .
i'm just doing it for the learning.

whole bunch of tuts though just keep saying i should already know the stuff in order to learn the stuff , and i'm like well what the point of learning it if i already know it. XD

but there still pretty informative despite that little nit pick.
@Gargron im just preparing my tinkering laptop for os dev stuff , going to be using gentoo.

i don't actually plan on keep the resulting os if one even is created from this tinkering .

@Gargron Can we safely install 3.2.0 now?


@Gargron Ann aunt may have told you that you'd make someone a good wife. 😸

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