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Eugen Rochko

Am I wrong to not be impressed by GPT-3?

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@Gargron I suspect it may be still a bit of an anti-climax.... I used to have a lot of high expectations of AI, because I thought Prolog was going to take off as a language... And Prolog *is* an amazing language... But it never really happened, and the so-called *big* AI language, Python, seems to me still to be really just a procedural language upgraded with object orientation... Prolog, on the other hand, genuinely is an AI language... in my humble opinion, anyway...

Your local cuddly itgirl Meri! (and Ev.lynn)

@Gargron it's fine, but it's definitely not turing passable at all. At best it's good for answering trivia and *possibly* code generation.

your purple friend

@gargron i mean.. it's just the latest shiny "AI" "machine learning" thing. people were equally đź‘€ about megahal or whatever.

🥝 rothair

@Gargron from a friend:
tl;dr no, you're probably not. It's a nice and expensive autocompletion algorithm, quite far away from AGI :p


@Gargron No. I think it’s rational not to be. But I guess people who are close to the subject matter tend to get their feelings hurt when we shrug at the advances in their field. It is impressive but only in the “dancing bear” sort of way. Yea they got a bear to dance...not well, and it doesn’t know what it’s doing but it’s an accomplishment

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