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Eugen Rochko

What I don't really understand is who decided that kitchen appliances should be operated using touch interfaces. Yes, let me press my finger against hot glass to have my finger not recognized half the time

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I hate our induction plate for that. I sometimes wear black gloves while cooking and they are not recognized 100% of the time.

Göktuğ Kayaalp

@Gargron Same people who decided we're too dumb to add RAM to a laptop or replace a dead battery in a phone.

Good old days when the only special purpose tool you needed to remove the battery from a phone was the thumb...

Moritz Dietz

@Gargron Also it takes way too long for the stove to increase or decrease the heat level (?). With a knob you just twist it within seconds. I don't want to hold for 5 seconds to turn down the heat ugh.

Ivo Vicente

@Gargron when touch buttons brake, only a new appliance is available instead of just the knob. Capitalism ...

Florian Schrofner

@Gargron i totally feel your frustration, i would also prefer to have normal knobs/buttons. but usually the touch interface is at least not supposed to get hot 😄


@Gargron In my case I have the added pain that my induction stove's touch interface is marked with silver paint and my skin reacts to it.
And the PWM control has such a long pulse that when making small portions it will stop boiling while the pulse is in the "low" part.


@Gargron I think it was people that were either severely arthritic or didn't know what knobs were for.

Dawn Tåke 🏳️‍⚧️


I have little doubt that at least part of the reason is planned obsolescence. It's a lot easier to handwave a touch interface breaking than a knob stop working.

The other half is to get more shit into the Apple Minimalism Hellscape.
In ten years when that becomes tacky people will have to replace the ones still working.

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