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22 posts total
Casey Newton

NEWS: After sustained attacks from House Republicans, the Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantled. A huge blow to academic freedom and our ability to understand platforms and influence operations

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@caseynewton democracy dies in darkness - especially when it’s deliberate.



#stanford endowment can cover the ongoing litigation cost, and they can countersue or request that the acku intercede. they can also ask alumni for grants specifically to protect this vital work.

vile things loathe bright lights. don't let them go out!


@caseynewton This is typical of fascists. They are enemies of education, science and anything which helps people instead of giving them more power over others.

Casey Newton

Here's @zoeschiffer interviewing Mastodon founder @Gargron on the state of the platform and its relationship with Meta. He says he thinks two-way federation between Threads and Mastodon is coming this summer

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Sloan Studio

@caseynewton @zoeschiffer @Gargron Always easy to block them yourself or de-federate later. Worth trying.

Richard W. Woodley NO THREADS 🇨🇦🌹🚴‍♂️📷 🗺️

@caseynewton @Gargron @zoeschiffer
As someone who will have nothing to do with Meta I will have to see how separated this relationship is to decide what happens with my account.

Emma Builds 🚀

@caseynewton @Gargron @zoeschiffer hows that going to work out when it's only a couple of large-ish, poorly moderated instances that aren't blocking Threads?

Casey Newton

OpenAI’s board failed the institution entirely. It may also have had a point.

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@caseynewton the board said he wasn't truthful with them. About what?

They didn't say they disagreed with his cavalier approach.

The story waiting to be reported is the substance behind their statement.

Rich Brome

@caseynewton Yep. Altman's strategy has been obvious to the whole world for SEVERAL YEARS. Has the board been asleep at the wheel this whole time?!

Ben Thompson

@caseynewton I'm probably biased (charity governance is part of my job) but that's a really excellent discussion of the saga. Chapeau.

Casey Newton

I wrote about Discord’s fascinating experiment in trying to rehabilitate wayward teenage trolls. It’s a welcome reminder that trust and safety teams can innovate ➡️

Casey Newton

What happened to Twitter Spaces yesterday? A decimated team, shrinking server space, and Elon's app kept crashing. @zoeschiffer and I with some new details:

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Matt Palmer

@caseynewton @campuscodi @zoeschiffer you need to put a content warning on that photoshopped movie poster. That was horrifying to just stumble across.


@caseynewton @zoeschiffer good thing he got rid of all those unnecessary servers.


@caseynewton @zoeschiffer In my 46+ years of software development experience, I have found that when management removes most physical resources and large percentages of the most experienced human resources, projects, especially complex projects, tend to go directly to shyte... Resulting in angry, frustrated managers, who usually made the decisions around physical and human resources, and for whom I have exactly ZERO SYMPATHY.

Casey Newton

This weekend's events at Twitter made it clearer than ever: Elon Musk has no idea what he is doing

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Matt Birchler

@caseynewton I like to try your DALL-E prompts in Midjourney to see what it does, and sometimes it kills it, but this time I think DALL-E’s derpy bird is so much better 😂

Ernie Smith

@caseynewton I’m just thinking about what he could have done with that money besides set it on fire. He could have funded the arts or launched a fund to protect the newspaper industry. Instead he’s spending his money and time on petty bullshit.

Casey Newton

Uh yeah maybe don't use Twitter Circles ever again. Also every other part of Twitter, but especially this one

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@caseynewton Now, why am I not surprised…? Oh, right, Elmo.

John Panzer

@caseynewton “Unfortunately, it is not possible to ask Twitter for confirmation, since its public relations team was laid off, and now the press email auto-responds with a poop emoji.”

Adam Lasnik

What's the turning point, Casey?

I'm aghast that sane people (especially journalists) are still actively posting/DM'ing on Twitter, particularly given that their DMs could be made public (intentionally or accidentally) at any moment.

Contrary to "tech" journalists' handwringing, Mastodon is not that complicated.

Casey Newton

This Verge quiz about the colors of popular platform logos is an absolutely improbably amount of fun

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Zombie Pirate Gator 🐊


I got 3/8 and 2 of those 3 were for websites I never visit. Go me.

Toby Inkster

@caseynewton of the platforms I actually use, I got all but one correct.

Casey Newton

Every day is like "starting tomorrow only people who post ‘Elon is cool' will be eligible to have their tweets appear in English" and the entire press corps and all of my friends continue to post there like nothing has changed

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@caseynewton If we were friends I could say "Not all your friends" :P

Sad Ginger

@caseynewton it’s truly bizarre. Like living in an alternate reality

Staid Winnow

@caseynewton The reality is it remains the premier microblogging platform and has no real competition.

It is now a cesspool of disinformation and bigotry, and that gets a helping hand from Musk.

Journos have nowhere else to go. Content producers cannot make that kind of money elsewhere, so many don't mind paying $8 a month.

Advertisers will soon return. 3-4 months, tops.

Casey Newton

Both Meta and YouTube have now restored Trump to their platform. But while Meta followed a mostly public process, YouTube hid from questions, and ultimately said almost nothing about its decision-making process.

I think we deserve better than that.

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@caseynewton they both need to be split into smaller companies until competition becomes an actual prospect.


@caseynewton I mean he’s literally calling for violence tomorrow. Tomorrow! What are they going to kick him off again? 🤞🙄


@caseynewton no problem. Hard to post on social media when you are in jail! 🤞🏾

Casey Newton

There are good reasons to force the divestiture of TikTok from ByteDance — but it could come at a very high cost, especially if China won't agree to a sale.

I tried to sort through my very mixed feelings:

Casey Newton

NEW: Meta is building a decentralized, text-based social network that will support ActivityPub. The company confirmed that it is in the early stages of the project to Platformer exclusively

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Steve Lemson

@caseynewton Meta is still Zuckerberg and still a hard NO.

Bill Vinson

@caseynewton I don't welcome this at all. Some companies can/should be welcomed into the Fediverse, but Meta has continually proven itself to be incapable of respecting anything that isn't directly & immediately in the interests. I don't want to see them try to get their claws in here…


@caseynewton I have no desire to use anything from Meta/Facebook. But I’m sure there will be lots of takers, at least the curious who want to sample it.

Casey Newton

So today links stopped working on Twitter lol

Casey Newton

Somehow my Mastodon server ( also went down as this was happening. We used to have proper social networks in this country I swear to god

Casey Newton

Elon Musk ordered major changes to the Twitter ranking algorithm this weekend after ... President Biden's tweet about the Eagles got higher engagement than his did.

Inside the secret system that's showing you all his tweets first, from @zoeschiffer and me.

Casey Newton

NEW: Elon Musk fired a top engineer over his declining view counts.

Plus the reason the site went down yesterday, fears about an upcoming FTC audit, and more, and more.

From @zoeschiffer and me.

Casey Newton

Absolutely in love with this story about all the mistakes being made by the AI that writes CNET's articles now

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RetroChip :sgicube:

It's pretty funny. The typos that they're complaining about are nothing compared to what I've seen in major periodicals. Personally, I feel like the entire fourth estate has failed and I could care less if the entire media empire burns to the ground. I don't feel like they do anything other than regurgitate information from other sources with no critical thinking applied. It's so rare to find a good investigative journalism these days.

I think the AI will be perfect for writing good clickbait that'll make plenty of money for crappy news sites. This will further drive down the race to the bottom that is modern media reporting.

I also can't wait till you can generate fake controversy by having two AIs argue in your comment section. Lol


It's pretty funny. The typos that they're complaining about are nothing compared to what I've seen in major periodicals. Personally, I feel like the entire fourth estate has failed and I could care less if the entire media empire burns to the ground. I don't feel like they do anything other than regurgitate information from other sources with no critical thinking applied. It's so rare to find a good investigative journalism these days.

Mike, you know -that- Mike.


What’s doubly sad…. CNET has written this same article every year, maybe even twice a year.

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Tim McElreath

@caseynewton Is that a lot? Because that seems like it might be a lot


@caseynewton He didn’t lose it per se. He sold Tesla stock at three peaks and netted billions in realized cash gains. In doing so, he drained the retirement accounts of unsuspecting shareholders. Tesla shareholders lost billions. Not Elon Musk.

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