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Casey Newton

This weekend's events at Twitter made it clearer than ever: Elon Musk has no idea what he is doing

Bob Starr

@caseynewton Time to check in with this llama on the scene...


@caseynewton does he care? Did he buy this platform at the behest of friends & fellow travelers who despised it? Very possibly.

Orgrim Doomscroller

@caseynewton We can say that we haven’t progressed much as a society, but 60 years ago dropping an accomplished overconfident executive into a new domain led to a brutal land war in Asia. This is far less deadly.



“a man bought Twitter for $44 billion”

The million (or $44B) question that would better explain what has happened since the acquisition and what will happen in the future is why did he buy it to begin with. It’s hard to buy the narrative that he bought it on a whim given the evidence. There was a calculated buying of stock from late Jan 2022 unlike anything he’s done before or since.

SaturniusMons :verified:

@caseynewton There is also the plea for software developers to contribute their time (for free) to helping twitter

Dotards Anonymous

Why did anyone assume Musk was a capable leader of anything social?

Matt Birchler

@caseynewton I like to try your DALL-E prompts in Midjourney to see what it does, and sometimes it kills it, but this time I think DALL-E’s derpy bird is so much better 😂

Ernie Smith

@caseynewton I’m just thinking about what he could have done with that money besides set it on fire. He could have funded the arts or launched a fund to protect the newspaper industry. Instead he’s spending his money and time on petty bullshit.

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