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Casey Newton

Here's @zoeschiffer interviewing Mastodon founder @Gargron on the state of the platform and its relationship with Meta. He says he thinks two-way federation between Threads and Mastodon is coming this summer

Dmitri β˜•οΈ

@caseynewton @Gargron @zoeschiffer

Casey, you may also find the Bridge project interesting - someone is progressing on connecting Bluesky and Mastodon users that will be built into some Masto servers by default.

If I understood it correctly, there's nothing we'll need to do as users for this to work. But I'm not sure how interoperable the services will be:

Michael Santaly

@analog_cafe It’s actually talked about in the article πŸ˜‰

Dmitri β˜•οΈ

@wonkothesane ooh, nice! I promise to read before I post next time πŸ˜…


@caseynewton @Gargron @zoeschiffer this is a great read! It’s encouraging to hear that Eugen wants Meta to succeed in federating Threads and has even helped them through the process. Would love to see Bluesky open up to it someday too.

Sloan Studio

@caseynewton @zoeschiffer @Gargron Always easy to block them yourself or de-federate later. Worth trying.

Richard W. Woodley NO THREADS πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸŒΉπŸš΄β€β™‚οΈπŸ“· πŸ—ΊοΈ

@caseynewton @Gargron @zoeschiffer
As someone who will have nothing to do with Meta I will have to see how separated this relationship is to decide what happens with my account.

Emma Builds πŸš€

@caseynewton @Gargron @zoeschiffer hows that going to work out when it's only a couple of large-ish, poorly moderated instances that aren't blocking Threads?

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