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Casey Newton

Uh yeah maybe don't use Twitter Circles ever again. Also every other part of Twitter, but especially this one


@caseynewton are the Tesla guys that share private videos from peoples cars running this too?

Christopher Brown

@Realworldrj @caseynewton I never thought of Circles as private as much as corralled. Any tweets, such as Circles, are nothing more than a subset of all tweets. Sounds like some new implementations over at Twitter opens the pen…

Hendrik Mans 🚀

@caseynewton Weird, I thought it was the fascism that was hurting the platform

Will Clark

@caseynewton An Elon Musk product riddled with critical bugs? Who could have seen this coming?!?


@caseynewton can we shorten that to “Uh yeah maybe don't use Twitter ever again. “? 😂

Dana Fried

@amro @caseynewton not y'all's fault. Even if there was a leakage risk, if Elon hadn't gutted the company I'm sure y'all would have found and fixed it by now.

(That said I'm like 99% sure Elon's messing with the for you page logic with a skeleton crew of engineers is what caused this.)

Sean C.

@caseynewton having used 3rd party apps for the bulk of my twitter life i missed a lot of this drama

plus, if what you are posting is so sensitive you need to narrow it down to Circles, maybe it shouldn’t be posted online

Aaron - Looking For Work ✅

@caseynewton Yet another instance of Elon stepping on a rake. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Alan Johnson

@caseynewton It continues to amaze me that so many are clinging to a Twitter, as though it's going to get better. 1) it's not. 2) even if it did, the primary beneficiary would be a reactionary gremlin who is already the wealthiest man in the world.

Martin Urschel

@caseynewton Hahaha, who in their right mind still trusts Twitter in any way?


@caseynewton I just assume everything I enter online with any site will one day be made public.


@caseynewton Now, why am I not surprised…? Oh, right, Elmo.

John Panzer

@caseynewton “Unfortunately, it is not possible to ask Twitter for confirmation, since its public relations team was laid off, and now the press email auto-responds with a poop emoji.”

Adam Lasnik

What's the turning point, Casey?

I'm aghast that sane people (especially journalists) are still actively posting/DM'ing on Twitter, particularly given that their DMs could be made public (intentionally or accidentally) at any moment.

Contrary to "tech" journalists' handwringing, Mastodon is not that complicated.

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