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Casey Newton

Good for NPR for quitting Twitter 💪

Wogan May

@caseynewton That feels like a significant milestone in the decline of Twitter as a public square.


@caseynewton if any reporters or official accounts switch to mastodon, please share


@mattcrwi @caseynewton Tim Mak, NPR's Ukraine reporter, is already here @timkmak. Nell Greenfield-Boyce has been here for months @nellgreenfieldboyce


@caseynewton did they actually quit or are they just no longer posting for the time being (sorry I forget exactly how they worded it after they got mislabelled as state media).


Headline boasts "NPR quits Twitter", text says "NPR will no longer post fresh content" & "NPR is instituting a "two-week grace period" so the staff who run the Twitter accounts can revise their social-media strategies." & "Even if Twitter were to drop the designation altogether, Lansing says the network will not immediately return to the platform."

In short: no real backbone to be seen here, please move along.

Headline boasts "NPR quits Twitter", text says "NPR will no longer post fresh content" & "NPR is instituting a "two-week grace period" so the staff who run the Twitter accounts can revise their social-media strategies." & "Even if Twitter were to drop the designation altogether, Lansing says the network will not immediately return to the platform."


@caseynewton Seems that NPR has an account here with @NPR. I hope they decide to expand their presence here.

Carlo Zottmann

@spacemeld @caseynewton Since its last post is from 2020 and @NPR doesn't seem to remember it my guess is it was never an official one.

Just Boby

@caseynewton please tell them to hop on the fediverse, would be really cool.


@caseynewton yeah but you know if Musk drops the gov label, they will be back with a big sigh of relief unfortunately.

The Exiter

@caseynewton Your prediction is starting to come true... right after you said it wasn't coming true. :)

Staid Winnow


This is a great exit, and good on them for not being taibbied. Another 40 or so such exits and Qwitter will simply be the Fox News of microblogging.

But, will NPR journos remain? If they do, Musk still wins.

“Lansing says individual NPR journalists and staffers can decide for themselves whether to continue using Twitter”


@caseynewton is there a legit NPR presence here yet in the Fediverse? I see mirrors and a “blue checkmark” version in (not updated since dump there 11/2020), but those don’t inspire any confidence.


@caseynewton actually just came across this post, which basically answers my question

Mister Shade

@caseynewton For a bit there it seemed like they were going to capitulate. So, this is good news.

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