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95 posts total

I’m quite pleased with my fridge magnet.

I have twelve fridges so far.

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@dgar That;ssssssssssssss fantastic.
That's original post. My pinky still aint working.

Okay so out fridge broke. There's a magnet taped snowman upon it that's some 7 years old now. My contention is, we save that with all of out might. There's no other option.

but what if there was.

MaJ1 🐿️

@dgar Spooky , just tooted about fridge magnets in a totally different context & then read this !

We might have to put a freeze on your fridge allowance tho !


I have a phobia of over-engineered buildings.

It's a complex complex complex.

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Andrew (R.S Admin)

@dgar how complicated is it? Is it a complex complex complex complex?

Hugo Slabbert ⚠️

@dgar if you become too obsessed with this phobia, does it become a Complex Complex Complex Pathological Obsession? Otherwise known as a C3PO?

Andrew Glisson

@dgar My groan of disgust became a groan of admiration by the third one.


It’s none of my business what people say of me and think of me. I am what I am and I do what I do. I expect nothing and accept everything. And it makes life so much easier.
~ Sir Anthony Hopkins

Laukidh :ablobcool:

@dgar he was diagnosed with Asperger’s in his 80s. When I started telling people I suspect I’m autistic, I gave him as an example.

Bruce Heerssen

I just figure that everybody talks about everybody all the time and there's mostly no point in worrying about what they say about me.

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Darth Jar Jar

@dgar stabbing bison to death on my screen right now. Gonna eat well tonight, brothers!

Florian Schmidt

Yeah, but this is really an *old* one...

MaJ1 🐿️

@dgar That joke really made a point 😜😁


Respect people who wear glasses.

They paid money to see you.


…crushing my dreams of becoming an astronaut.


There’s a fine line between the numerator and denominator.

Only a fraction of people will understand this.

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Baron Von J

There are 10 kinds of people: those who know binary and those who don't.


@dgar Well if you want to be vulgar about it, rather than to the point.



That's a pretty divisive statement!
It might even be viewed as improper.


Forgot to go to the gym today.

That’s 8 years in a row now…

carlos quintana

@dgar - that's no problem, as long as you pay your membership fees regularly.

πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ πŸ’™ Bwee πŸ’™ πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

@dgar This got a genuine chuckle out of me. Now pardon me while I steal this and tell all my friends in real life.

(I'm kidding, I'll totally say "this awesome dude I follow on the Fediverse wrote this. Or found it online. Either way, he's how I discovered it")


Roses are red.
Roses are blue.
Depending on their velocity,
relative to you.


What’s the difference between Tesla and a Lemur?

Tesla made an electric car.

Lemur Madagascar.


@dgar on the one hand I gave you a like, on the other hand I feel slightly tainted for doing so! πŸ˜›

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evan :verified:

@dgar it's funny how everyone is united in agreeing that the world's gonna be fucked to death in our lifetimes lmao

Kerri Levine


I hear ya but still try to stay on the "a better world is possible" side.



For my next trick, I will eat a percussion sandwich.

Drum roll please…

CautionWIP πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@dgar Make mine a peanut-butter and djembe. πŸ‘

Or maybe a bacon-lettuce-TOMato?

Would that be a real sandwich, or just a cymbalic one?

Ok, imma stop before this gets bodhran..

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