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95 posts total


Das ist aus dooms erster episode, Central Processing.


@dgar the design methodology seems to now be only make content that 95% or more of players will see.

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Miles Goodhew

@dgar Jeepers! crypto chaining on a single thread 1MHz sub-scalar 8/16-bit CPU... What a carnival!


@dgar I remember when that happened to me way back when.

I lost my Space Invaders high score and everything.


For all you non-native English speakers out there, “read” is pronounced like “lead”, and “read” is pronounced like “lead”.


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Oh, I see! Formerly I was mislead.



Most importantly though, remember, the image file format is pronounced "gif", not "gif".

James Cridland

@dgar I don't envy transcription and term extraction software, which needs to understand that reading (a book) is really a very different concept to Reading, a town in Berkshire.

Reading a boring book about training is possible on the train to Reading to see the tunnel boring.


So in a triathlon, it’d come down to who’s better on a bicycle.

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James Edwards

@dgar Fun fact: humans have the greatest stamina of any animal on earth. We can keep running for hours and hours, no other animal can do that.


@dgar and the shark has no thumb for the bell!


@dgar I think ultimately it will depend on which section of the triathlon comes first as I suspect the first ‘leg’ will be very final for one of the participants. Although I suspect ultimately it will be a draw with both human and shark ending with a DNF.


I tooted Hello World on November 30, 2022.

Then I began tooting my #music and a ton of #puns #jokes, and #memes. And you all responded so genuinely, and with such positivity, that I very quickly was made to feel at home.

My deepest gratitude goes out to the #Mastodon community, a #community that has literally improved the quality of my time on this spinning rock as it hurtles through space, towards a future that seems more uncertain every day. It’s unlike any other “social media platform” here.

Today, I celebrate the arbitrary milestone of five thousand followers, and I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank you for the favourites, the boosts, the follows, and the comments.

Thank you for your conversations, discussions, and corrections.

Thank you for listening to my music and sharing your thoughts on it with me, and for following along on your chosen streaming service. This has been amazing.

But, above all, I’d like to thank you all for making Mastodon the friendly and welcoming place that it is. My experience here is one of wonderful acceptance, and it has been truly humbling. There is nowhere else quite like it.

Massive big huge love to you all,

- Jon (Dgar)

I tooted Hello World on November 30, 2022.

Then I began tooting my #music and a ton of #puns #jokes, and #memes. And you all responded so genuinely, and with such positivity, that I very quickly was made to feel at home.

My deepest gratitude goes out to the #Mastodon community, a #community that has literally improved the quality of my time on this spinning rock as it hurtles through space, towards a future that seems more uncertain every day. It’s unlike any other “social media platform” here.

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@dgar Can’t count how many times you’ve made me smile let alone outright snortlaugh! What you send out, you give back. 🧡 Many thanks to YOU.


@dgar Thanks for the music and the puns 😊


@dgar I love how much you're enjoying this ☺️ and people enjoying your stuff


choose wisely

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@dgar Sounds more like Survival Of The Fittest - The Morality Version


Common scents vs comic cents

MaJ1 🐿️

@dgar hey I love comic sans!
Oh I see, 🫣 *shuffles out in highly embarrassed manner *


#Introduction time! Okay to boost. 😊

I make music, and Mastodon is awesome for reaching an audience.

I know most of you follow me for the stolen jokes and stay for… also the jokes, but many of you have also blessed me by listening to and boosting my music, and some have even followed me on their chosen music streaming service!! ❤️ That is so amazing, I cannot thank you enough. 🫵🤗

Big love to you all! 🫶

Here is a list of my music profile links on various streaming platforms. A follow on any of them means the world to me!

Below the links are some screenshots of my favourite comments from the Mastodon community.



Apple Music:





#Introduction time! Okay to boost. 😊

I make music, and Mastodon is awesome for reaching an audience.

I know most of you follow me for the stolen jokes and stay for… also the jokes, but many of you have also blessed me by listening to and boosting my music, and some have even followed me on their chosen music streaming service!! ❤️ That is so amazing, I cannot thank you enough. 🫵🤗


@dgar It is some good music, which is nice with all the fine jokes.


I burned a lot of calories today.

Forgot I had a pizza in the oven.


They don’t make 12” rulers any longer.


In 1866, Liechtenstein sent an armed force of 80 soldiers to defend their territory’s border during the Austro-Prussian War.

They returned with 81 soldiers, having avoided any battles and making a friend along the way.

In 1868, Liechtenstein disbanded their army.

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@dgar can all armies do the same please!


That's how true popular army should operate : citizen/soldiers going back to their life once the thre1t is over.
Great story


If you spend any real time on Mastodon, you will discover that some people take their #AltText very seriously indeed, and some may wonder "Why?".

Mastodon tries to be a place for all people, where everyone can have a voice, connect with like-minded people, and catch up on news and current events, regardless of ability. There are many vision impaired people who follow me now, and I try to make sure that my #AltText serves it's intended purposes.

Here is my approach.
Imagine you are describing the image to a friend with perfect eyesight, but is sitting out of view of the picture, like a friend on the other side of your desk who can't see the screen. Tell them the point of the picture, why it's there, what it means in context to the toot.

This example photo may have alt text as follows: A colour photograph of a black Steinway Grand Piano, with lid open and keyboard of black and white keys exposed. The branding "Steinway & Sons" can be seen written in gold above the keys and on the side of the piano which sits on gold coloured wheels, off-centre in the photo to the right, upon a red wood herring bone patterned floor. A white cornice separates the floor from the grey wall behind the piano which only takes up about one third of the entire frame of the photo.

This kind of description is overkill if none of that description is relevant to the original toot, especially if you were explaining this toot to a sighted friend.

For what it's worth. ❤️

If you spend any real time on Mastodon, you will discover that some people take their #AltText very seriously indeed, and some may wonder "Why?".

Mastodon tries to be a place for all people, where everyone can have a voice, connect with like-minded people, and catch up on news and current events, regardless of ability. There are many vision impaired people who follow me now, and I try to make sure that my #AltText serves it's intended purposes.

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@dgar love it

Celine warns of Idiocracy

@dgar 1 ...

For a few days now I am contemplating a toot about this topic.

I usually take the effort to describe in detail what is in a photo. Once on the Bluebird site I read a tweet from a blind person who asked for better descriptions in #AltTexts and explained also what screen readers are capable of and what not - for example, if there are only emojis in the handle/nickname of the tweeter, the screen reader cannot say what it means.

... 2

Celine warns of Idiocracy

@dgar 2 ...

Since then, I changed my name handle to only letters (no special signs, no earth pictograph) and payed extra attention to what I attached to my tweets. And, I am imagining what I would like to know about a picture, if I couldn't see it. Or, try to explain it to a friend on the phone (landline, no video possible).

What is very sad is, when people just put their text from the toot above into the #AltText and think that would be enough. No. It is not.



Don't Have A Flashlight On Your Phone?
Take A Picture Of The Sun And Use The Photo To Find Your Way In The Dark

Follow me for more life hacks.



Make Your Car Almost Twice As Fast By Changing It From Mph To Kmh

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@dgar car companies hate this one simple trick, increase speed numbers by 60% with one click!

@dgar Technically, I think that's 1.6 times as fast.
m4iler :debian: :verified_paw:

@dgar This confused me as a kid.

I thought US was a goddamn slow country for having 35 everywhere in cities.



Permanent marker can save you from buying new socks!

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Protect your personal space with this vest!

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Mx. Eddie R

Omg they make coyote vests for humans? That could make transit viable for me.

Hiromi 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈

@dgar does it come in pants? I need pants the next time I'm on a Japanese train


Just in case you have ever wondered what it was like a hundred years ago, this is:

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