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Thread 1/3

Daedalus, according to Greek Mythology is the the father of Icarus, among other things.
After attempting to murder his nephew in a bout of jealousy, he fled Athens and found refuge in Crete.
The King of Crete, King Minos, welcomed him as a renowned craftsman.
In other news, Poseidon, god of the sea, was keen for some good, old fashioned animal sacrifice. He gifted a bull to King Minos to sacrifice, but the King thought he’d keep this awesome specimen, and instead sacrificed a less impressive bull from his own stock. Poseidon lost his shit, as Greek gods often did, and put a curse on the Kings wife, Pasiphaë, that would cause her to lust for the Bull he had gifted her husband.
So Daedalus turns up and the queen asks him to build a cow suit.
And he does.
And she does.
And then Pasiphaë gives birth to the Minotaur, half man, half bull.
King Minos loses his shit this time, as the Kings of Ancient Greece often did, and ordered Daedalus to build the Labyrinth to imprison the Minotaur. Then, Daedalus, and his son Icarus were also imprisoned in a tower. It was here that Daedalus built the wings for Icarus and himself, to escape the tower, and fly away from Crete, across the sea, to freedom.

Thread 1/3

Daedalus, according to Greek Mythology is the the father of Icarus, among other things.
After attempting to murder his nephew in a bout of jealousy, he fled Athens and found refuge in Crete.
The King of Crete, King Minos, welcomed him as a renowned craftsman.
In other news, Poseidon, god of the sea, was keen for some good, old fashioned animal sacrifice. He gifted a bull to King Minos to sacrifice, but the King thought he’d keep this awesome specimen, and instead sacrificed a less impressive...


Icarus looked over his wings, as his father, Daedalus, tightened the leather straps that held them on.

They had been planning this moment for months, after being imprisoned by King Minos. They’ve been collecting the feathers, treating their candle wax, building the wings and keeping them concealed from the guards. Daedalus, now double-checking the straps of his own wings, indicated to Icarus to ascend the final flight of stairs to the tower roof, and followed behind him, carefully making sure their wings don’t catch on anything.

The sun was high. Icarus squinted as they came onto the roof. The ocean sparkled as the breeze rippled the water. Icarus could hear the waves faintly beneath the sounds of the guards enjoying their lunch below. They’ll be distracted, unlikely to look up from their food.

Daedalus turns his son to face him. Suddenly a guitar riff is playing. Icarus is concerned that the guards have discovered their scheme. Fear fills his eyes. Daedalus holds him firm, nodding slightly to the beat of the riff.

His father breaks into song, and Icarus realises he’s in a musical.

This was that song.

~ Dgar



Apple Music:




Icarus looked over his wings, as his father, Daedalus, tightened the leather straps that held them on.

They had been planning this moment for months, after being imprisoned by King Minos. They’ve been collecting the feathers, treating their candle wax, building the wings and keeping them concealed from the guards. Daedalus, now double-checking the straps of his own wings, indicated to Icarus to ascend the final flight of stairs to the tower roof, and followed behind him, carefully making sure...


But apparently, you can’t end a sentence with a proposition.


@dgar And she wouldn't have liked that you used 'got'...try '...when she was released...'

Quantum Gardener

@dgar I don’t get it. Last week you said to me you preferred your Welsh teacher. 😄

MaJ1 🐿️

@dgar 😁


I finally did it!

Bought a new pair of shoes with memory foam insoles.

No more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

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They wear off and you're back in the same kitchen

~ drift ~


never heard about something like that
or at least can‘t remember
so tomorrow i’ll put the memory foam
from my head right into my shoes
why didn‘t you do so?


Quantum Computer Support Person: “Have you tried turning it on and off at the same time?”

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@dgar LoL well it is like this, we tried, then it vanished in thin air! 🤣🤣🤣

Air Quotes Comedian


"Quantum computers? Not in our schools," says some Right-Wing pundit.

I posted that one a while back and not one titter. I suppose the problem with the joke is that it requires too much suspension of belief that a Right-wing pundit would simultaneously know to act in a reactionary way toward quantum computers while also not understanding that being non-binary in computing terms has bugger all to do with gender.

I suppose it could just be that it isn't funny, but that stretches credulity way too far.


"Quantum computers? Not in our schools," says some Right-Wing pundit.

I posted that one a while back and not one titter. I suppose the problem with the joke is that it requires too much suspension of belief that a Right-wing pundit would simultaneously know to act in a reactionary way toward quantum computers while also not understanding that being non-binary in computing terms has bugger all to do with gender.


I used to work with a lady who would always take an interest in my music. She’d ask how our jam sessions went and if I’d recorded anything new. But, anytime I had something new, she’d listen to it through, and then tell me that it’s “not her kind of music”.
It always bemused me that she would take such an interest if she didn’t like what I was making. 

I decided to write her a song that she would enjoy.

Music was being streamed at work all the time, so I knew what sort of songs she was into. Classic Rock. Australian Pub Rock in particular. She was a single mum in her 50’s, a strong, hard woman, an Aussie battler.

I wrote Proud Woman in a weekend, and recorded it at home. A mate I regularly jam with did the vocals and when it was done, I uploaded it and shared it with her when I got to work.

She liked it.

The experience taught me the value of an audience of one. The focus on writing a song for one person, with the aim that they - that person in particular - enjoys it, gave me a different perspective on the whole creative process.

Please enjoy my song:
Proud Woman
~ Dgar



Apple Music:




Thank you all so much for your follows and listens!💖

I used to work with a lady who would always take an interest in my music. She’d ask how our jam sessions went and if I’d recorded anything new. But, anytime I had something new, she’d listen to it through, and then tell me that it’s “not her kind of music”.
It always bemused me that she would take such an interest if she didn’t like what I was making. 

I decided to write her a song that she would enjoy.

Music was being streamed at work all the time, so I knew what sort of songs she was into. Classic...


This is a copypasta of a previous toot, adding the Tidal link for the track. Love all the support from everyone boosting and following along! 🫶
Let’s get this one trending!!


The worst thing about having your password stolen is having to rename the dog.

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Man, worst is having to rename your first pet even though they've been dead for 30 years.

Fred Brooker



it's Elon Musk's dog


Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me.
~ Weird Al 2011


Man, that's seriously good.

The vid:
Musically, lyrically, even the singing voice matches perfectly.

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Bluecloud_Aachen 🦣

@dgar Try condensed, it shrinks, but doesn't evaporate!


@dgar @MikeTRose Dammit, Kyle. I told you don’t put that by the window.

Marco van der Heide

You must be shopping at Jumbo supermarket, I presume?
They have a very bad stocking policy ….

Microsoft Word?
I haven’t heard that name for years…

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