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95 posts total
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@dgar facts. Though, it will also require an auto tune button as well.😝

Der Geist aus dem Gerät

@dgar More then enough for Pentatonic. Nobody hears more....

🏔️ owl 🌲

@dgar it's a trick; using the pitch wheel, one can create microtonal masterworks that go beyond basic western music theory.


A SEO expert walks into a bar, tavern, pub, grill, public house, irish bar, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor.

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@dgar SEO expert walks into the 10 coolest bars you MUST visit before you die! (updated for 2024)


Asks if he could have cookies for himself and his 735 friends


Dance like no one’s watching.

Encrypt like everyone is.

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Sure, Professor Lucifer is a pretty good teacher, but it's hot as hell in his classroom.


As a child I wanted to study witchcraft at a witchuniversity. Please I still want it.

Retepkce 🐈

@dgar I always thought the devil is a cool dude.


Dungeons and Dragons is a role-playing game that lets you live out such fantasies as:
• Having money
• Making close friends as an adult
• Travelling the world without crippling debt
• Being able to change the world
• Getting better at something with practice
• Getting 8 hours of sleep each night

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@dgar it's point 4 that always attracted me.

Kari Perttula

I guess you all allready know the webcomic "Full Frontal Nerdity".


Technically, you only have 3-5 minutes to live, but every time you take a breath it resets the timer.

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Jeremy Jupiter Jones

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: The respiratory center is located in the medulla oblongata and is involved in the minute-to-minute control of breathing. Unlike the cardiac system, respiratory rhythm is not produced by a homogeneous population of pacemaker cells.

Level 98

@dgar People can survive roughly 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food... and about 3 seconds without internet access.


Some thought it was our ability to love that made us human, but it turns out it was actually our ability to SELECT EACH IMAGE CONTAINING A TRAFFIC LIGHT.

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@dgar I have a miracle cat. All's I gotta do is tilt his head up, put fingers at corners of mouth, he opens up, pop pill in. Done. He just sits there.

He is the most tolerant cat I've ever seen. His vet loves him. 😆

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Dave Roberts ✅

@dgar And how come we still have storms considering these wind turbines consume so much wind.


@dgar It is funny, but …. Also: isn’t it sad that there are newspapers that actually publish 💩 like this!

I mean; It is one thing to write things like this to a newspaper. It is another thing that there are people working at a newspaper that actually published it.



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@dgar Gives a whole new meaning to the expression "dickhead"...

Aleksei � Matiushkin

@dgar The mohel must have been drunk, ears are to be circumcised as well!

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@dgar and the koch sponsored think tank i work for collated the facts and documentation

-the neoliberal influencer hulk


@dgar [me, grabbing popcorn] : hey, Bruce, vaccines don't work!


The historic moment when humans and germs sign into law the "Five Second Rule".


The adjective for metal is metallic.

Not so for iron, which is ironic.

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