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I see Dud people!

@dgar Terry Pratchett once said that someone trying to give a cat a pill should have been immortalized in marble, e.g. "Rodin's Man Giving Pill To Cat"

RandyNose :debian: 🐱


Just a thought, perhaps Hercules should put on some pants first and some good gloves?



@RandyNose @dgar @TywyllSeren You'd think he'd know that by now. First rule of pilling the cat: Find and put on serious protective gear.


@RandyNose @thepoliticalcat @dgar @TywyllSeren Samson seems to manage everything efficiently in Kontraktova Ploshcha, Kyiv. He looks worryingly relaxed about applying a cat pill, while only wearing a loincloth.


@Colin @RandyNose @dgar @TywyllSeren I'm not even going to tell you the story about the guy who thought he could fix the sink while naked, and what the cat did to make him think different.


@dgar because he didn't know Egyptian technique "cat's mummy" using a towel



Une vérité profonde pour sûr 😐

A deep truth indeed 😐

Howlin' Hobbit

@Catweazle @dgar

that was genuine LOL material.

we found a product named Greenies Pill Pockets that fool cats into thinking they’re just getting a treat. the only drawback is if you have more than one cat (we had three at the time). can’t give just *one* of them a treat, so you end up buying a LOT of Greenies.


@dgar I have a miracle cat. All's I gotta do is tilt his head up, put fingers at corners of mouth, he opens up, pop pill in. Done. He just sits there.

He is the most tolerant cat I've ever seen. His vet loves him. πŸ˜†

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