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73 posts total
Organic Maps

Donate in your local currency (or crypto!) to support the development of the fastest and simplest open-source maps!


@organicmaps oh gosh, you have so many methods!

Which one is the most efficient, with less money that goes to the intermediary? SEPA? credit card?

I tested the android auto functionality, it works great!

I'm Mary Poppins, y'all

@organicmaps что-то мир не принимается. Ну тогда сами как-нибудь выживайте.

Organic Maps

Interested in seeing public transport, satellite imagery, track recording, or some other features in Organic Maps? We are open for Google Summer of Code 2024 proposals from motivated contributors/students, read more here:

Organic Maps

📣 Call for Participation: Seeking Technical Writers for Google Season of Docs 2024
We are looking for talented writers to update our FAQ on the website and in the app.

Organic Maps

OpenStreetMap login was fixed in Google Play. Enjoy updating the map, and don't forget that you can edit anything directly at the website.

Organic Maps

Now everyone can back up or share all bookmarks and imported tracks as one KMZ file with just one click! And then import everything back from the same file.

Apple users can now edit the colors of imported tracks and have a more convenient way of editing bookmarks. And don't forget to check our updated About dialog!

Read the detailed changelog on our website:

Now everyone can back up or share all bookmarks and imported tracks as one KMZ file with just one click! And then import everything back from the same file.

Apple users can now edit the colors of imported tracks and have a more convenient way of editing bookmarks. And don't forget to check our updated About dialog!

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Marco Bresciani

I'm already using this wonderful feature to prepare and "publish" a set of bookmarks with places to visit in Japan (see, Italian only), recommending the use of OrganicMaps (fron @fdroidorg !) to all colleagues and friends (and whoever else) asking me about Japan.

Robert A.Mason

@organicmaps - Google has recently introduced a feature to share saved places (for editing and for viewing), do you have plans or is there a possibility to import them in Organic Maps?

Organic Maps

If you missed it, the February 2024 Organic Maps update is already available in Google Play, Huawei AppGallery, and AppStore.

Thanks to our contributors ❤️, there is a big list of changes!

Please read the detailed changelog on our website:

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@organicmaps How can I get rid of the Christmas tree which I’m still seeing?! I’m using the latest TestFlight beta…

Trezzer (aka Helvedeshunden)

@organicmaps Hmm. I tried looking for map legend in the app and on the site. I can't seem to find an overview? (For instance I have some pink routes near me and wonder what those are meant to be)

Organic Maps

The best from the best :) EveryDoor and Organic Maps in the hands of the Philippines OpenStreetMap community! More photos here:


OSM ...and FaceBook. Now there's a match made in hell :)

Organic Maps

Public Transport is one of the most requested features. Check the bottom of this OpenStreetMap iceberg :)

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@organicmaps Thank you for reminding me, I almost forgot about the squiggly roads in my area 🤠

Sunset Sakura

@organicmaps This is accurate, I have nearly given up figuring out how to add route relations, and there is conflicting info everywhere, including the wiki.


@organicmaps OSM should not try to be a complete solution for public transport routing. Rather a tool like organic maps should use API's from transport providers to get up to date route and time information.
Some information is just not suited to be in OSM. You will always need more data sources to get a complete mapping application

Organic Maps

Looks like some users forget to update maps. A red dot on the bottom right menu button means that some of downloaded maps should be updated. Go to Download Maps dialog in that menu and do it! :)

Garry Keenor

@organicmaps if this comment is related to my query, I've done that. Repeatedly. It makes no difference.


@organicmaps maybe the red badge needs rethought if users find it easy to ignore. It used to mean something you needed to/wanted to take action on, now you see it anywhere a company wants your attention, like those terrible ubiquitous chat popups.


@organicmaps Glad to see my previous OSM edits finally showed up following today's update. Keep up the good work - really enjoying using this app.

Organic Maps

Organic Maps Android Auto support is finally available in Google Play! Many thanks to the team and beta testers!

P.S. Don't forget to update maps after updating the app to see all improvements and avoid unexpected issues.

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Andrew :fediverse:

@organicmaps Awesome job! Is there a timeline for split screen support in carplay? right now it only supports being in full screen mode


@organicmaps I always thought, when connected to AA, apps use cars compass and GPS. It seems it uses phones compass, which makes OM almost unusable on AA, because if you touch the phone, whole map rotates on car screen 😕 Or did I miss something?

pr3d :AFD:

@organicmaps I'm still waiting for the January release to appear on #fdroid
Is there an issue @fdroidorg?

Organic Maps

As fosstodon is now invite-only, we've created an account at to reach more people. FOSS should be available to anyone, right?

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@organicmaps From my point of view there are only 2 reasons why you would change instance:
1) your current one folds
2) you no longer feel happy at your current instance (or rather the people there)
REACH is not a reason as many have pointed out before me. Size is also not an indication of activity or quality - I moved from my first one which was larger than my current one but less active and the posts there were not that interesting for me. So if you no longer feel happy at fosstodon, then move but otherwise stay put. Only those instances fosstodon mutes or blocks cannot follow you but those are probably not followers you would care about.

@organicmaps From my point of view there are only 2 reasons why you would change instance:
1) your current one folds
2) you no longer feel happy at your current instance (or rather the people there)
REACH is not a reason as many have pointed out before me. Size is also not an indication of activity or quality - I moved from my first one which was larger than my current one but less active and the posts there were not that interesting for me. So if you no longer feel happy at fosstodon, then move but...


Why has fosstodon became invite only? 🤔😳

Steven Roose

Why would it matter that Fosstodon is invite-only? You can be followed from any other instance, right?

Organic Maps

In 2023 Organic Maps got its first million users. It would not be possible to scale without the help from our beloved community. A million thanks for your energy and time, your donations and support 🙏 ❤️ 🍃

Meet the December app update and read more interesting details and 2023 stats here:

We wish you Organic Christmas and Organic New Year!

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Il Pennuto Esploratore

@organicmaps merry christmas! Is there any problem to download the app from f-droid?


Nice, I'm happy more and more poeple discovering #OrganicMaps but how do you know the amount of users? Or is it the amount of different devices? Just wondering how it's counted. #privacy

Organic Maps

Thanks for the support! Someone got it right. Together with the OpenStreetMap community, supported by your donations, we will create fast and easy-to-use, privacy-focused maps for everyone. 🚀

Organic Maps

Does anyone use OpenCollective? Is it worth collecting donations there? You can support Organic Maps development there:


@organicmaps I haven't used it myself, but #Tusky, a good Mastodon client, uses it. The @Tusky team may have some input!

Organic Maps

 A hotfix update of Organic Maps for iOS is available in the AppStore. It fixes freezes when any object is selected on the map on iOS 12, 13, and 14.

Do you like that beautiful place on the OpenStreetMap?

Derick Rethans

@organicmaps I've visited a few times! It's not far from where I grew up.

Organic Maps

On this International Volunteer Day, we are sharing our gratitude to everyone who helps us to develop and maintain Organic Maps, the community-built project. Together, we can make the best OpenStreetMap-based maps for anyone on the Planet.

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