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Organic Maps

Now everyone can back up or share all bookmarks and imported tracks as one KMZ file with just one click! And then import everything back from the same file.

Apple users can now edit the colors of imported tracks and have a more convenient way of editing bookmarks. And don't forget to check our updated About dialog!

Read the detailed changelog on our website:


@organicmaps What's the file format? Is it human-readable and editable (which would be a workaround for ordering bookmarks).

Organic Maps

@joachim @organicmaps you can edit KMZ (a zip of KML) in Google Earth or in some other services like umaps (work with KML inside a zip)

Doug Grinbergs

@organicmaps psst, Google Play release notes lists recycling twice


@organicmaps Next step is Track recording. Right? :blobthumbsup:

Marco Bresciani

I'm already using this wonderful feature to prepare and "publish" a set of bookmarks with places to visit in Japan (see, Italian only), recommending the use of OrganicMaps (fron @fdroidorg !) to all colleagues and friends (and whoever else) asking me about Japan.

Robert A.Mason

@organicmaps - Google has recently introduced a feature to share saved places (for editing and for viewing), do you have plans or is there a possibility to import them in Organic Maps?

Organic Maps

@mason @organicmaps do you mean to write a parser/scraper to proprietary google server responses?

Robert A.Mason

@organicmaps - I don't know what it would look like technically. For the record, it's about saved places in user lists (Favourites, Starred, I want to go there, etc.).

Ideally, it would be possible for the link to the saved places to simply be pasted in the app to import them. But if a workaround appears, I'd be happy with that too.

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