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Organic Maps

Organic Maps Android Auto support is finally available in Google Play! Many thanks to the team and beta testers!

P.S. Don't forget to update maps after updating the app to see all improvements and avoid unexpected issues.


@organicmaps your app helped me to travel Curacao without Internet. Its suuuper gooood!

One thing I'm missing is some local trip recording feature but it's not must have. Great work!


@organicmaps I so needed this in September on my Euro trip 😆


@organicmaps Is it possible to edit a submission to the map? I submitted a change of business but would like to go in and edit the name.

Organic Maps

@condalmo yes, edit that place at directly.


@organicmaps Is there any way to get this going without Play Services?


@organicmaps What does that mean? Why don't you share the information you have? I already searched and could not find a solution.

Organic Maps

@Winterstar some alternate OSes claim to support it. Please let us know if you find any working solution, some users are asking about it too.

Andrew :fediverse:

@organicmaps Awesome job! Is there a timeline for split screen support in carplay? right now it only supports being in full screen mode


@organicmaps I always thought, when connected to AA, apps use cars compass and GPS. It seems it uses phones compass, which makes OM almost unusable on AA, because if you touch the phone, whole map rotates on car screen 😕 Or did I miss something?

pr3d :AFD:

@organicmaps I'm still waiting for the January release to appear on
Is there an issue @fdroidorg?

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