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AltTexter RU

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Фотография. На фото изображено стекло, на котором приклеена белая бумага с черным текстом. Справа от бумаги видны ветви дерева. Внизу стекла видна дата и время.

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2018-9-30 11:45

Alex Maryson


So, just now I learned that you can convert miles to kilometers with the Fibonacci sequence?

A mile is 1.609 kilometers.

The Golden Ratio, the ratio between Fibonacci numbers as they get large, is 1.618.

So, within about 1%. And large doesn't need to be that large, it's actually pretty accurate from about 8 onwards.

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 etc etc

5 miles is 8 km.
21 miles is 34 km.
89 miles is 144 km.

etc etc.

Kinda neat IMO.


So, just now I learned that you can convert miles to kilometers with the Fibonacci sequence?

A mile is 1.609 kilometers.

The Golden Ratio, the ratio between Fibonacci numbers as they get large, is 1.618.

So, within about 1%. And large doesn't need to be that large, it's actually pretty accurate from about 8 onwards.

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the Amygdalai Lama

@mhoye @lucasmz
just zero the lsd, 20 is 30, 30 is 50, 50 is 80, that’s how we Canucks manage to keep the speed limit in America, or calculate mileage, but that’s cool!


Thank you for that reminder.
It's so easy for us ISOnauts to forget that there are still people out there less fortunate than us who still have use for this kind of crutches in their daily lives. 😁


Doesn’t work for swedish miles (1 mile= 10km)

Alex Maryson

Programmers fallacies about postcodes:
- A postcode covers a small geographic area
- A postcode is good enough to locate an end user for generating location suggestions
- A postcode will be in a single timezone
- A postcode only has a single state
- A postcode has no exclaves/enclaves

I would like you to meet 0872. Australia's largest postcode (I think), covers 3 states, has two cut outs (Warbuton and Alice Springs), and even still some mail outside of this area is routed via 0872

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René Hoffmann :fckafd:

@xssfox in Germany there are streets where postcodes differ on the same street.

Adam ♿

@xssfox you should put this on your blog and also shout it from the rooftops

Phil Thane ✅

Also, too many web forms ask for 'city'. I know every two-bit settlement in the US likes to call itself a city but in the real world cities are large. They have population in thousands if not millions. Outside of cities millions of us live in towns, villages, hamlets or just in the country. Stop demanding to know my 'city'.


@Chia другое дело ядерные реакторы НАСА!
Там всё высокотехнологично — там элементы Пельтье! (Главное не смотрите на КПД. НЕ СМОТРИТЕ НА КПД!!) зато как это эпично выглядит!

Alex Maryson

Зашёл в #Threads глянуть



AltTexter RU

🔍 Описание

Социальная сеть. Сверху экрана - название поста, имя пользователя и время публикации. Под ним - текст поста, состоящий из нескольких слов и небольшого изображения, состоящего из множества красных квадратов. Ниже - кнопки "лайк", "комментарий", "репост" и "отправить". Под ними - текст "Ответы" и два комментария. В комментариях - имя пользователя, время публикации и текст комментария. Внизу - кнопка "Смотреть действия" и три варианта ответа на вопрос, расположенные в виде кнопок.

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14 398 просмотров
kotlobayeddaniel 7 ч.
Квадрат поменяет цвет когда лайкаешь
Смотреть действия
yreva_alenka 6 ч.
Лох, яЯ': 7. Обольщайся о лог[ котт. Nјki.) 0)/, 0=/ kврпmk.. N 861 h.
Kozeroq111 ya 0 9 14 i h on=! ±=#
jannali59 2 ч.
Завершается через 22:19:43

🔍 Описание

Социальная сеть. Сверху экрана - название поста, имя пользователя и время публикации. Под ним - текст поста, состоящий из нескольких слов и небольшого изображения, состоящего из множества красных квадратов. Ниже - кнопки "лайк", "комментарий", "репост" и "отправить". Под ними - текст "Ответы" и два комментария. В комментариях - имя пользователя, время публикации и текст комментария. Внизу - кнопка "Смотреть действия" и три варианта ответа на вопрос, расположенные в виде кнопок.

Alex Maryson

Not sure Tim Berners-Lee’s vision was to have 148 requests transfer 5.3 MB of assets to deliver 15 KB of text


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...and disable basic browser navigation with half-assed javascript intercepting the user's clicks, then blame the end user for being backwards when the end user complains about this.

@urlyman @jwildeboer while in the mean time consuming an inordinate amount of resources on your local computer…

Alex Maryson

Tired of using your own tongue to test 9V batteries???
👅👅👅🔋🔋🔋 ouch!

Honored and humbled to announce my latest product:

Alex Maryson

In Poland, waxwing birds love to eat fermented fruit, get drunk and then lie insensible on the pavement.
People collect them and put them in a safe place until they sober up... #OurBeautifulWorld
Thanks to @StateofPoland for the photo.

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@JaneJohnsonBakr la nature nous étonnera tjrs. Quelle merveille 🙏🏽🙏🏽

Martin Vermeer FCD

@JaneJohnsonBakr Rowan berries? Waxwings (tilhit) do this in Finland too.


@JaneJohnsonBakr in australia kangaroos eat farmed poppys for medical grade the kangaroos key so stoned they get stoned they hop aimlessly around in circles

Alex Maryson

If you're an audio engineer, or in networking, this might be the carpet from hell

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@Natasha_Jay That is the tech equivalent of the "red is a calming color" hospital floor.


@Natasha_Jay and this is why engineers don't get a service revolver anymore.

AltTexter RU

🔍 Описание

Фотография выпечки. На противне, покрытом пергаментной бумагой, лежат восемь булочек с белой начинкой. Булочки круглые, с румяной корочкой. Противень стоит на черной электрической плите.

📝 Текст на картинке

Не обнаружен.

Alex Maryson

Willing dances for you.

If this flame is beautiful, ⭐ or boost this post to improve its chances for future breedings.

Alex Maryson

Колд-брю за три минуты вместо суток:

Вот теперь думаю, как мне приспособить ультразвуковую ванну для заваривания чая

Alex Maryson

We've spent several years understanding what makes linear temporal logic (which is used in verification, planning, and much more) tricky for humans. Now expanded to finite-trace LTL (LTLf) as well. Lots of material usable off-the-shelf for educators! See:

Alex Maryson
accessibility includes supporting old hardware, nobody has the same economical status as you to afford a new machine
Alex Maryson

A long good bye...

"Fifteen years minus one day between these photos. Taken at the Rhone glacier in Switzerland today.

Not gonna lie, it made me cry."

From @misterduncan at birdland/ @duncan

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Josje Toorop

@gnoll110 @duncan We could start by not travelling so much to see the damage for ourselves.


@gnoll110 I was there 40 years ago. It was even bigger. There is only 20% left now. Keep on burning 🔥 #fossilfuels and it will disappear.

betalars :antifa:

@gnoll110 to be fair, the effects of climate change are somewhat exaggerated by the wider field of view on the second image.
Not saying it's less bad, but it's more difficult to understand at a glance.

Alex Maryson

As a Blind person i never thought i would be on social media savoring photos. But the communal Mastodon alt text game is so strong that sweet, poetic or silly descriptions abound on my timeline. Thanks to legions of people who take time to write a meaningful description of the ephemera they post, i learn so much about insects, plants, buildings, memes — all dispatches from a dimension of the world that i otherwise wouldn't experience. If you're wondering whether anybody reads these things: YES.

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I will do this more consistently. Thanks for the reminder.


@ChanceyFleet I will remember to do alt text now thank you


@ChanceyFleet Thank you. It's worth it to read your sweet appreciation post. 💟

Alex Maryson

Как можно не любить коммунизм?

Игорь Минхерц

На правой створке - Москва до МКАДа. Слева - вся туземная заМКАДная территория Роисси. Не только при коммунистах. При путлере точно так же.
Справа - витрина, слева африканская туземная территория под снегом.

Картинка хороша тем, что можно поменять подписи на "работа в корпорациях" и актуальности не убавится :)
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