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100 posts total
Alex Maryson

Вот #федиготовит , а выложить забывает, непорядок. Хоть будет моя лента новостями полниться.

Вот пока в качестве бонуса кидаю бутылочку домашнего яблочного уксуса, коего у меня 15 литров набродило


I always forget to share my #recipes here. I cook a lot of things, take photos, but forget to post them, it's not right. At least my feed could be filled with news.

As a bonus, I'm throwing in a bottle of homemade apple #vinegar, of which I have fermented 15 liters

AltTexter RU

🔍 Описание

Фотография. На фото изображена рука, держащая бутылку с тёмной жидкостью. Бутылка стеклянная, с белой крышкой. Рука держит бутылку за нижнюю часть. На заднем плане видны частично белые предметы.

📝 Текст на картинке

Не обнаружен.

Alex Maryson

ATTN: this is LIFE-ALTERING INFORMATION, PEOPLE. Remember this moment.

I felt a foundational shift within— i am no longer the person you once knew 15 minutes ago. Nothing in this world will ever be the same again.

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Lett Osprey

@JoParkerBear This, of course, uses generative AI to figure out what is what and present it.

LLM trained on copyrighted text.

Just so people are aware.


@JoParkerBear its like for recipes. absolove it

Pavel A. Samsonov

@JoParkerBear This seems like way more work than just clicking the "scroll to recipe" button that every website has.

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@Mrfunkedude The real horror is that none of those stalls appear to have a toilet paper dispenser.



So semi-consensus is that they're LCD walls that go opaque. What happens if the power goes out? Is it suddenly buttsville?

George Liquor :verified:

@Mrfunkedude #AltText is missing the text that appears on the image, which is central to the joke: "We have updated our privacy policy."

Great meme !

Alex Maryson

Дорогие @rf @ru , помогите, пожалуйста, понять этот абзац:

2.3.1. При использовании Подарочного сертификата для приобретения Товаров общей стоимостью ниже его номинала разница в денежном эквиваленте не компенсируется Ozon. Остаток средств Подарочного сертификата отражается на Балансе средств и может быть использован Держателем при оформлении последующих Заказов.

Так сертификат в 100 рублей полностью сгорит при покупке товара за 70, или на балансе останется 30 руб? Пока вижу явное противоречие

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@akamar @rf @ru

я так понимаю, что оставшиеся деньги тебе 'деньгами' не вернут например, но сам сертификат не сгорит и у тебя останется 30 рублей на покупку чего-то


@akamar @rf @ru

Нет, у тебя будет еще 30 рублей, но ты сможешь потратить их только на озоне. E.g. если ты захочешь купить на озоне еще какую-нибудь фигню за 70 рублей в следующий раз, она будет стоить тебе 40 рублей.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@akamar если я всё правильно понял, деньги останутся у тебя на счету озона, но ты их не сможешь вывести обратно в рубли и купить за них, скажем, шавуху на углу

@rf @ru

Alex Maryson

Phone Upgrade 101

* Get a phone.
* Use it 'til it dies.
* Get a new one.

Ignore the hype by Apple/Google/Samsung and co.

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Jim P.

@nixCraft Unfortunately "until it stops getting security updates" is effectively the same as "until it dies" for many, though some ignore it longer than they should. LineageOS can help some there.

Hopefully my P8P makes it through all 7 years of its updates+support.

Diabolic Preacher
@nixCraft so they die sooner now. and rebirth with a custom rom is not that straightforward and some vendors don't allow unlocking bootloader. :( also companies like purism, system76, tuxedo probably don't know of existence of third world countries. general irl public don't even know what those brands are.

@nixcraft I bought my current phone for Mario Kart Tour, Im using It until It dies.

Alex Maryson

How this Rooftop Grew 20,000 lbs of Food

Permaculture Instructor Andrew Millison visits the biggest rooftop farm on the West Coast of the US located in Oakland, California.

Designed and built by Benjamin Fahrer of Top Leaf Farms and operated by Deep Medicine Circle, this is an impressive project bringing food production, food security, and food justice to the heart of the city.

Deep Medicine Circle – Top Leaf Farms
#Rooftop #Garden #Food #Polinators #Permaculture #Sustainability #FoodSecurity #FoodJustice #FeedThePeople #Gardening #Oakland #California

How this Rooftop Grew 20,000 lbs of Food

Permaculture Instructor Andrew Millison visits the biggest rooftop farm on the West Coast of the US located in Oakland, California.

Designed and built by Benjamin Fahrer of Top Leaf Farms and operated by Deep Medicine Circle, this is an impressive project bringing food production, food security, and food justice to the heart of the city.

Alex Maryson

О, сегодня в Русской Википедии двухмиллионную статью написали

Alex Maryson

Oh, as a topic wanderer myself (I don’t like the word “generalist”), I love and endorse this comic.

(via @simondlr’s newsletter).

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Ale Muñoz

@rianvdm “topic wanderer” goes straight to my top 10 list of expressions I’ll use to describe myself from now on 🧡

Triptych 🌱

@rianvdm @simondlr one word many people use for this is #multipotentialite , it’s a natural personality type that is just not seen as that much valuable in our culture but is essential for our society to move forward.

the roamer

@rianvdm @simondlr

Excellent cartoon, witty and wise!

My alias here is The Roamer for a reason! Specialising on a particular field is important, it's necessary. But wandering around the whole landscape puts our specialism into context. It makes us better specialists.

Alex Maryson

Рутрекеру уже 20 лет.

Многие самые старые раздачи до сих пор живут и их можно скачать. И ещё через 20 лет, я думаю, будет то же самое.

Мне кажется, есть два отличных способа хранить свои данные: высечь их в скале и сделать их интересными для других.

Alex Maryson

#PPOD: This stunning photograph captures the most violent moment during an eruption of the Calbuco volcano in Chile. Volcanic lightning occurs in the plumes of eruptions when volcanic ash particles collide, generating static electricity. Additionally, water vapor in the plume condenses and freezes as it rises, adding ice to the mix. And voila! The eventual electrical discharge causes lightning. Credit: Francisco Negroni,

#photography #volcano #science #scicomm

#PPOD: This stunning photograph captures the most violent moment during an eruption of the Calbuco volcano in Chile. Volcanic lightning occurs in the plumes of eruptions when volcanic ash particles collide, generating static electricity. Additionally, water vapor in the plume condenses and freezes as it rises, adding ice to the mix. And voila! The eventual electrical discharge causes lightning. Credit: Francisco Negroni,

Alex Maryson

Блин, лента очень сильно забилась, списки не очень помогают. Надо что-то делать с подписками

Alex Maryson

This sounds heavenly. "After they deliver wine and spirits from France to the U.S., the ships will travel to South America to pick up coffee to take back to Europe. Six more vessels are on order...."

Alex Maryson

Please remember that Mastodon doesn't have a marketing team or budget. Whatever media coverage Mastodon gets is from inbound interest from journalists. The growth of the platform has been predominantly through word of mouth. If you want the fediverse to grow, tell your friends.

Alex Maryson

Software doesn't need to be retired because it's no longer being developed. If it works it works. Software doesn't need to be rewritten in a new programming language either.

Alyx :neocat_flag_ace:

@thedaemon But it is so much more secure in rust, because memory and stuff!!1!! :neocat_googly_drool: /j

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