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Rian van der Merwe

Oh, as a topic wanderer myself (I don’t like the word “generalist”), I love and endorse this comic.

(via @simondlr’s newsletter).

Fedi Jedi :jedi:

@rianvdm Do you have a link to the newsletter article?

Łukasz Wójcik 👨‍💻 📷

@rianvdm @simondlr for whatever reason I read it in voice of the narrator from The Stanley Parable.


@lukem @rianvdm @simondlr

Stanley was really bad in following instructions!👍🤣


@rianvdm @simondlr I don't know if it's my adhd but sticking to one subject limits me. Every time I learn something new, it gives me new perspectives and feeds into the other things and makes all my skills and knowledge improve in different ways. Learning a language for example, widens my knowledge of how different languages work and helps me to understand etymology better and helps me more easily remember new words in all other subjects.


@rianvdm @simondlr I’d like to add the hashtag #adhd to this. 👍


@rianvdm @simondlr There is such a thing as synergy.

Learning is not zero-sum.


@rianvdm @simondlr #AltText4You Comic with 4 panels.

1. Happy figure 1 has one skill maxed to “Great” on a “Bad Good Great” scale. “You can achieve greatness if you focus fully on one thing”.

2. Sad figure 2 has many skills in the Bad and Good side. “If you have too many interests you will never reach your full potential”.

3. Figure 2 climbs their skills “Wait, where the F are you going?”

5. They climbed a wall. They now see the beautiful ocean on the other side.


@rianvdm @simondlr

#alttext4u (feel free to edit your post and copy this in)

Four panel comic.

First panel.
"You can achieve true greatness if you focus fully on one thing."
Illustrated bar graph of a single bar named "skill", going from "bad" to "good" all the way to "great". The bar goes horizontal and a little human is standing on top of it, at the label "great", smiling.

Second panel.
"If you have too many interests you'll never reach your full potential"
Illustrated bar graph of several bars labelled skill, at various short lengths, reaching "bad" but not "good".
Lil human looking sad.

Third panel.
"Wait, where the fuck are you going?"
Lil human using all those bars as a ladder.

Fourth panel.
Lil human discovered that on top of the graph was a nice view, which he is now admiring. (Which he couldn't have reached by having one or two great skills)

@rianvdm @simondlr

#alttext4u (feel free to edit your post and copy this in)

Four panel comic.

First panel.
"You can achieve true greatness if you focus fully on one thing."
Illustrated bar graph of a single bar named "skill", going from "bad" to "good" all the way to "great". The bar goes horizontal and a little human is standing on top of it, at the label "great", smiling.

MerGlOwl, Octopus-Faenby

@bebatjof @rianvdm @simondlr i see the last bit of interpretation (in the brackets) a little different. the one with one skill up to great could also get up on the wall, if they use the bar as a pole and jump up/over the wall with it. but the one with many mediocre skills can also use those as a ladder, as depicted in the comic. both get to a nice result, but with different tools.


@glowl @rianvdm @simondlr I kinda agree with what you say, but not with the idea that the comic communicates this.

J. David Eisenberg

@rianvdm @simondlr
Four-panel comic by

First panel shows a graph with X-axis labeled Bad / Good / Great . A horizontal bar labeled "Skill" goes across, and a man stands on it. Text: You can achieve true greatness if you focus fully on one thing.

Second panel shows graph with same x-axis,, y-axis has many bars labeled "Skill", all in the range Bad to Good. The man is looking up at the bars. Text: If you have too many interests, you'll never reach your full potential.

Third panel shows man climbing up the bars of the graph as if they were a ladder. Text: Wait, where the fuck are you going?

Fourth panel shows man at top of ladder, sitting on a wall overlooking a calm ocean with mountains in the distance.

@rianvdm @simondlr
Four-panel comic by

First panel shows a graph with X-axis labeled Bad / Good / Great . A horizontal bar labeled "Skill" goes across, and a man stands on it. Text: You can achieve true greatness if you focus fully on one thing.

Second panel shows graph with same x-axis,, y-axis has many bars labeled "Skill", all in the range Bad to Good. The man is looking up at the bars. Text: If you have too many interests, you'll never reach your full potential.


@rianvdm @simondlr Precisely. My mediocre skills in many disciplines are why I've survived this long. Had I focused on just one skill, then the second that skill was no longer needed, I would have starved.


@rianvdm @simondlr

"it is important for him who wants to discover not to confine himself to one chapter of science, but to keep in touch with various others."

– Jacques Hadamard, "An Essay on The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field" (1949)

Hyperbolix Prudens

@rianvdm @simondlr I am exceptional at being mediocre. If I were a superhero, I would be Mediocre-Man. My Sidekick would be Normal Distribution boy...

Captain of the SS El Faro

@rianvdm @simondlr Generalist:
superficial knowledge
Renaissance person:
has a muse
plumbs the depths of arcane realms

the roamer

@bangskij @rianvdm @simondlr

:-) Lovely. How we can play with shifting connotations and associations. "Has a muse" is the killer move here! :-)

Also: "polymath."

Anthropy :verified_dragon:

@rianvdm @simondlr loving the philosophy of this, in a way it implies getting a better overview of everything when standing on top of your various skills/interests!

nothing wrong with being interested in everything around you IMHO.

Many things have intersectional truths and patterns that you don't find if you only focus on a single subject.

I'd say to achieve true greatness you need to be able to think outside the box, which doesn't work if you only focus on the contents of the box :)


@rianvdm @simondlr
"Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one"


@rianvdm @simondlr

I love the word "omnipotential" (potential ~ possibility) but it is way too close to omnipotence to describe someone with it.


@rianvdm @simondlr I like the term renaissance woman. :) this needs alt text. 🩵


@rianvdm @simondlr

I will never draw like Hergé, but I

I will never paint like Henk Nieborg, but I

I will never play music like Lindsey Stirling, but I

I will never tell tales like Tokien, but I

I will never code like KB, but I

I will never design games like Miyamoto, but I

Good skills together are merged to make homebrew games. And I love it

@rianvdm @simondlr

I will never draw like Hergé, but I

I will never paint like Henk Nieborg, but I

I will never play music like Lindsey Stirling, but I

I will never tell tales like Tokien, but I

David Heidelberg

@rianvdm @simondlr If I know one word from every language, what value it brings? If I know 300 words from one language, I clearly see the value. I'm guessing the graph reflects moderate investment into the interests, which on other hand prevent having too many interests.

Pavel Machek
@okias @rianvdm @simondlr Knowing "hello" in every language is fundamental ATC skill :-).
Chris P. :trek_ds9_sisko:#1️⃣

@rianvdm @simondlr oh wow, this was vindicating straight to my core.

I think I need to print this out.

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@rianvdm @simondlr Once we were called "multi talents" or even high scholars. Now it's apparently bad because that way you can't extract value as much or sth.? Not be "the best in the world" or some other nonsense?

Love this comic.


@Natanox @rianvdm @simondlr "erudite polymath" "renaissance man" "broadly read" … yeah this used to be the thing that got praise. for elites.

Nico Erfurth

@rianvdm @simondlr @dieKadda it’s missing an important bar, the „Learning“ bar which is the fundamental basis for all the others

Chris "🐓||🥚problem"

@rianvdm @simondlr
In that case I think you would really really like the book Range by David Epstein
(haven't read the newsletter so apologies if it's already mentioned!)


@rianvdm @simondlr

And I've seen other terms used out there like "multi-specialist" or "pluri-specialist" but that also fails to capture the gamut and complexity of whatever it is people have to be classified as.

Don Whiteside

@rianvdm @simondlr @inthehands The reference is now kind of dated but I always liked what a friend said: Some folks find a true calling. Some of us just have true call waiting.


@rianvdm @simondlr so many great things have come from noticing a connection between things in different topics

Donald Ham

@rianvdm @simondlr
Right there is the argument for a liberal arts education.

Delta Wye

@rianvdm @simondlr
Jack of all trades
A master of none
Is still far better
Than a master of one

Hannu Ikonen

@rianvdm @simondlr co-sign. - ironically a subspecialist in a medical field.


@rianvdm @simondlr I've met general knowledge and enjoy hanging with them. Life would be so boring if I wasn't ET/CT with hobbies in Neurology and psychiatry. And a dozen other subjects.


@rianvdm @simondlr In spanish there is a word for this: “polímata” (who is interested in and has reasonable knowlegde about lots of topics). Da Vinci, Aristoteles, T.E.Lawrence… such type of people.

Ale Muñoz

@rianvdm “topic wanderer” goes straight to my top 10 list of expressions I’ll use to describe myself from now on 🧡

Triptych 🌱

@rianvdm @simondlr one word many people use for this is #multipotentialite , it’s a natural personality type that is just not seen as that much valuable in our culture but is essential for our society to move forward.

the roamer

@rianvdm @simondlr

Excellent cartoon, witty and wise!

My alias here is The Roamer for a reason! Specialising on a particular field is important, it's necessary. But wandering around the whole landscape puts our specialism into context. It makes us better specialists.

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