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149 posts total
This is my hiding spot, and I'm not moving until the situation is drastically improved.
Did you ever think of the consequences of Black Mesa (the HL1 remake) on Half-Life 1 mods?

Notice the subtle difference in level design and attention to details in mods that came before the Black Mesa and after it.
Merged VBO renderer fixes.

High wpoly maps should be fine now.
Welcome. Welcome to

You have chosen, or been chosen, to migrate to one of our finest gamedev instances. I thought so much of that I elected to establish my alt account here, in the Pleroma so thoughtfully provided by @eukara. I have been proud to call my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to It's safer here.
Welcome. Welcome to

You have chosen, or been chosen, to migrate to one of our finest gamedev instances. I thought so much of that I elected to establish my alt account here, in the Pleroma so thoughtfully provided by
Since people aren't really fond of GitHub anymore, I set up a development mirror on SourceHut. Right now, I'm testing if it's a viable alternative to GitHub.

Issue tracker:
Mailing list:
Since people aren't really fond of GitHub anymore, I set up a development mirror on SourceHut. Right now, I'm testing if it's a viable alternative to GitHub.

"Xash" is 19 years old now.

Freely translated post from Uncle Mike:
"19 years ago, on December 13-th of 2004 on forum a new post called "New project" with a subtitle "unnamed yet" has been published. It was from this post that everything that I described in detail here was subsequently born: (in Russian).
At first, it was a Half-Life mod, like the Spirit. Then it was the engine incompatible with Half-Life, which fell into oblivion, then gradually turned into Half-Life compatible engine, and now finally separated into its own ecosystem retaining only some familiar features. Before your eyes, something that was planned back in 2007, but due to the grand and scale is being implemented just now, is finally being born.
I don't promise that a fully stable version will be released by the round date. But all missing elements of the development environment like the editor, viewer and some compilers should be already made."
"Xash" is 19 years old now.

Freely translated post from Uncle Mike:
"19 years ago, on December 13-th of 2004 on forum a new post called "New project" with a subtitle "unnamed yet" has been published. It was from this post that everything that I described in detail here was subsequently born:
Valve Hammer Editor but it plays U Can't Touch This on start up.
>In Build 2513, In Worldcraft 3.40 (prior to it being renamed to Hammer), or if you have a leaked Half-Life 2 build from 2003, when you run Hammer for the first time, a midi of "U can't touch this" will begin to play and at the bottom left of the screen where it says "For Help, press F1", instead shows the following strings "You can't touch this", "Stop, Hammer time!" and "Hammer time!". 3 of those strings are randomly selected to replace "For Help, press F1" at the bottom left. This lasts for about 3-4 seconds before returning to normal. This easter egg once activated, it will no longer activate again, unless the user goes to the Registry Editor from Windows (regedit), and deletes the registry "Hammer time". This easter egg does not exist anymore on modern versions of the Hammer editor due to the fact that quickly checking HL2 editor and the GMod editor via a hex editor showed that "Hammer time!" was no longer in the program.
>In Build 2513, In Worldcraft 3.40 (prior to it being renamed to Hammer), or if you have a leaked Half-Life 2 build from 2003, when you run Hammer for the first time, a midi of "U can't touch this" will begin to play and at the bottom left of the screen where it says "For Help, press F1", instead shows the following strings "You can't touch this", "Stop, Hammer time!" and "Hammer time!". 3 of those strings are randomly selected to replace "For Help, press F1" at the bottom left. This lasts for about...
Hard-Life mod turned out to work perfectly under Xash3D FWGS.

I'm glad we took old new course on better compatibility.
I dream of making a tutorial on debugging Half-Life mods with Xash3D FWGS leveraging the fact that it's open source and can be built in a specific flavors like with complete debug information or with Address and UndefinedBehavior sanitizers, it's pretty one-line change in build configuration and works flawlessly in 95% cases.

But also explain how in some cases it's possible to use MemorySanitizer and how in the worst cases you could just hack the code (like I made a runtime check for NaN on every math operation, which helped me to fix two bugs in HLSDK and even original GoldSrc)

But can't really think of anything than "just go and build sanitized build lol". I don't like to write long articles...
I dream of making a tutorial on debugging Half-Life mods with Xash3D FWGS leveraging the fact that it's open source and can be built in a specific flavors like with complete debug information or with Address and UndefinedBehavior sanitizers, it's pretty one-line change in build configuration and works flawlessly in 95% cases.
Got an email:

"I have an idea for you, you can put a shadow option r_shadows and the blood of hl alpha blood stream effect and glock silencer and deleted enemies and alpha aesthetics and green hud beta sprites and when the enemy hits the player the screen will turns red like the alpha version of half life"

Ultimate state of gamer's brain on beta content.
Got an email:

"I have an idea for you, you can put a shadow option r_shadows and the blood of hl alpha blood stream effect and glock silencer and deleted enemies and alpha aesthetics and green hud beta sprites and when the enemy hits the player the screen will turns red like the alpha version of half life"
I once again heard that Spirit of Half-Life is a "modified GoldSrc engine".

Some people don't know what game engines are.
Office Complex?

I find it quite simple HL1 chapter

once the light goes out
a medkit cannot be reused

Support of lightmapped water from ericw-tools.
It's so ugly but people like it for some reason.
highly WIP

just in case somebody wants to play with it. Pass "-hlbsp -litwater 1" to ericw-tools's qbsp.
>Exclusive discount on classic Quake games
>Discount code: YAP63KR79K34UTWRJW

Posted if somebody needs it? Found in a random letter from GOG.ORG.

Expires in 2 days. Reedem URL:
@Theuaredead any plans to update the published HLAZ sources? If there were any changes in them...
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