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242 posts total
(λ. borkdude)

Github doesn't support attaching a .patch file in an issue. Seems like a basic feature to support for a git-centric tool?


@borkdude first person to attach .odp or .pptx to an issue against my projects is getting an all-expenses paid ticket to the bottom of the Atlantic

Niels Abildgaard

@borkdude This is what PRs are for, though, right? They enable line-by-line discussion of changes, too

(λ. borkdude)

I'm considering using mkdocs-material for documentation for #babashka.


With mkdocs-material it would look like:

Benefit of the current "basic" approach is that Cmd-f works for searching. WDYT?

Anonymous poll


Current docs
0 people voted.
Voting ended 4 Dec 2022 at 10:19.
Tim Zöller

@borkdude I really like single page documentations which are Strg-F-able, comes in handy when I'm not sure what I'm looking for. The official documentation for the Spring Framework switched away from a single page doc that was searchable and faced some criticism for it


@borkdude I really like the generated layout of AsciiDoctor. It looks more professional. So I voted for the current approach.


@borkdude :cough: texinfo pages :cough: can generate single and multi page HTML and PDFs. Also integrates nicely in some IDEs. 😁

(λ. borkdude)

Why can't I make a fork of my own Github repo under a different name in the same organization? Seems like a case of overvalidation.

(λ. borkdude)

Yes, I'm trying to fork my own advent of code template.

pmonks (330ppm)

@borkdude maybe they just assume you’d branch in that case? Not defending it btw - I can’t think of a good reason to disallow a fork too!

(λ. borkdude)

I regularly get asked by people how and which project they can best contribute to if they want to do OSS.

In my opinion the best projects are the ones you are really using and are passionate about seeing them improve.

(λ. borkdude)

RT @mkvlr
In her @reClojure talk @unkai just unveiled 🌱 Clerk Garden – a simple publishing space for Clerk notebooks. Check it out:

(λ. borkdude)

Often when I work on an issue I make a git branch "issue-1", make a total mess and finally I make another branch "issue-2", take the learnings from "issue-1" and fix the issue with minimal changes.

Chip Butty

@borkdude so what you are saying is that you really write more code than we initially thought?


@borkdude I usually forget to even make branches. I create a file and write my tests in there and with Calva and Clojure repl just execute my code scribbles 😁

(λ. borkdude)

RT @logseq
We built a quick prototype to show how you can write a query using the properties and display the result as a table.
Notion users should be familiar! The queries and custom view function are interpreted by "sci", thank you @borkdude!

(λ. borkdude)

A rock ballad about dynamic typing.

"My code can now be as wild and free
As the rock ballad that I sing to thee."


(λ. borkdude)

Dear #adventofcode!

The #babashka #clojure aoc template now lets you download input automatically:

Also you can run the code on Github Codespaces now (if you just want to try it out)!

(λ. borkdude)

RT @raphaelmilliere
I asked ChatGPT to rewrite Bohemian Rhapsody to be about the life of a postdoc, and the output was flawless:

(λ. borkdude)

RT @NonsenseIsland
This is one of my favorite Road Runner gags because it's such a ludicrous idea that could go wrong in a million different ways, and then it goes wrong in the simplest. Such brilliant animation in the bit where Wile E. tries to keep balance.

(λ. borkdude)

It's not the most optimal string reverse program in #clojure, but I guess it works...

Mark Engelberg

@borkdude I'm finding that the chatbot is very good at fixing things in response to critiques. If you say something like, "Is there a built-in function that can do this?", it will probably rewrite the code.

(λ. borkdude)

I created a repository to help with doing Advent of Code in #babashka and #nbbcljs!

#clojure #AdventOfCode #AdventOfCode2022

Spoiler alert: it contains a solution for day 1

Benoit J

@borkdude awesome and thanks!

I saw your post after I finished day1 with #babashka :D. Going to have a look at your solution too.
I'm using the default bb runtime on #nixos

(λ. borkdude)

RT @pfeodrippe
Babashka generated by ChatGPT 🔥 #babashka @borkdude

(λ. borkdude)

If you upvoted this and you have an actual case in your code, it would be extremely helpful to add that to the Ask Clojure question

RT @borkdude
Please upvote this clojure ask issue if you care about metadata preservation in clojure.walk:

If you upvoted this and you have an actual case in your code, it would be extremely helpful to add that to the Ask Clojure question

RT @borkdude
Please upvote this clojure ask issue if you care about metadata preservation in clojure.walk:

(λ. borkdude)

In the newest #babashka (1.0.167) you can do this without having a fork of clojure.spec in your bb.edn:

$ bb -e "(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]) (s/valid? int? 2)"

The source of is pre-bundled with added only 100kb to the image.


(λ. borkdude)

The current clojure.spec.alpha is interpreted and takes about 50ms to load.

When clojure.spec2 ever comes out, there will be a pre-compiled fast version (which will add roughly 3-5mb to the image).

The trade-off is having some convenience now while saving space for later.

(webdev Tory) :emacs:

@borkdude What is the best way of using #clojure #babashka with a #Cider REPL? Or is that thinking about it in the wrong way?

(λ. borkdude)

Babashka: Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting

1.0.167: the ultimate Advent of Code edition is out!


#clojure #babashka #adventofcode

Sam Clark

@borkdude ohhhh, tell me more, is there a requirement for the jvm on this?

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