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242 posts total
(λ. borkdude)

Glory to the standard library of Clojure, Amen

#clojure #gpt3chat

(λ. borkdude)

I'll admit, gpt3 is just an excuse to make up weird plots and the machine does the rest

Tomáš Baránek

@borkdude As a #Clojure beginner I wonder how much can I rely on answers that I get from #chatGPT on this topic. I sometimes ask for explaining some code and it seems very useful. But is that part of the model somehow more reliable and truthful than other part? What is your opinion and experience? Thank you.;)

(λ. borkdude)

RT @pragyanatvade
@borkdude clj-kondo's ability to automatically identify and fix common coding errors and inconsistencies has saved us a lot of time and effort.

Thanks for it.


@borkdude Saved me a few hours yesterday in a refactor.

(λ. borkdude)

Clj-kondo: static analyzer and linter for Clojure code that sparks joy ✨

May your code be a joy to behold! 🖖

v2022.12.08 #clojure #cljKondo


(λ. borkdude)

#cljKondo next release will recognize binding or var references not in tail position as unused values


(λ. borkdude)

It blows my mind that #cljKondo (static analyzer for #clojure) compiles from a JVM program to a standalone executable in just 47 seconds.

#graalvm @graalvm

(λ. borkdude)

The "boss key" of the modern era.
RT @goodside
POV: You're a Senior Data Engineer at Twitter. Elon asks what you've done this week. You've done nothing.

Frantically, you open ChatGPT.

(λ. borkdude)

I've interacted with Chris only a few times, but it was enough to learn that he was a highly talented, cooperative and kind human being. He will be missed. Condolences to his family and the Ruby community.
RT @tenderlove
In memory of @ChrisGSeaton, a giant.

(λ. borkdude)

And we all know what language can make small teams very productive #clojure
RT @matteocollina
I'm not doing consulting anymore, so I can say this without trying to sell something. If you have 200 developers working on the same deployment unit, your codebase is a mess. The only solution is to split into small teams, each in charge of a deployment unit.


@borkdude that's the conclusion I've come to as well over the years. The only way to keep code maintainable is to aggressively break it up into small units that can be reasoned about independently.

It's not a problem you can solve with a language because the problem lies with the fact that humans can only keep so much context in their heads. Once the scope grows beyond that you start making assumptions about the way the code works.

(λ. borkdude)

RT @flavorjones
I'm heartbroken to share this news about our dear friend and colleague, @ChrisGSeaton.

(λ. borkdude)

Powershell is a nice idea but interop with other tools (cmd.exe, wsl2, shelling out to powershell modules from Java, etc) is awkward. It may or may not have been a conscious design decision, but it reminds me of this talk.


@borkdude wow, so much good advice in half an hour

(λ. borkdude)

Thanks to Lily for saving Christmas this year! Her Clojure skills are amazing.



@borkdude It just hit me an AI wrote this... though I miss the days of "Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash. Chapter 13: The Handsome One..."

(λ. borkdude)

RT @pappapez
A new Joyride just out supporting reload of JavaScript code while the application being developed (your scripts modifying VS Code) is running running. See this Advent of Code template for an example:

#Clojure #AdventOfCode #vscode #javascript #opensource

(λ. borkdude)

RT @MrGung1
YIL accessing paginated list of gitlab-issues with #babashka, #curl and built-in (to #clojure) iteration-function.

(λ. borkdude)

Good morning and get ready for another day of hard work transforming those pesky hash-maps! #clojure

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