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242 posts total
(λ. borkdude)

Powered by a (friendly) fork of #nbbcljs (with feature flags enabled for datascript, etc) #clojure #clojurescript
RT @cldwalker
Announcing that a core part of @logseq is now scriptable with #NodeJS through! This means you can query and analyze your graphs with independent applications. Two specific use cases that are now possible:

(λ. borkdude)

Babashka 1.0.169

Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting

#clojure #babashka

(λ. borkdude)

#clojure dev tooling command line tools compiled using native-image:

#graalvm @graalvm
RT @alina_yurenko
"Native images have caused a renaissance of CLI applications written in Java, which should continue in 2023. While chasing effectiveness, I expect more and more new developer productivity tools to appear." https://twit…

(λ. borkdude)

Dear #babashka friends!

Just finished up writing the babashka http-client today and I think it's ready to be used. Please provide your feedback while this library is in flux so we can move it to a built-in somewhere in 2023!

#clojure #babashka

🇺🇦 Mykhaylo :emacs: :clojure:

@borkdude wow! Could you enlighten me: is there a reason behind not just adding a `(client/download-file url filename)’ function to hide the entire download process? There must be a good reason I'm sure.

(λ. borkdude)

With a couple of hacks I was able to make cloverage, a test coverage tool for #clojure, work with #babashka
Haven't made this code public and also requires a couple of tweaks in babashka, but who knows. If the maintainers of cloverage are interesting in having this, let me know:)

(λ. borkdude)

Getting started with Clojure on Windows (natively, no WSL)

This guide recommends installing clojure using: scoop install clj-deps

It uses the deps.clj binaries and installs them as clj.exe

#clojure #windows

(λ. borkdude)

In #squintcljs keyword calls like `(:foo x)` are compiled to `(get x "foo")`. This is why you can use `(:foo x)` instead of writing the interopsy `(.-foo x)`, making interop, if you squint real hard, seem more Clojury!

#clojure #clojurescript

(λ. borkdude)

The next version of #babashka will have up to 5x faster Java interop due to caching of reflective method lookup.


(λ. borkdude)

Scittle 0.5.12 released!

Use CLJS, reagent, re-frame, promesa and other awesome stuff direct in your browser tags

#clojure #clojurescript #scittlecljs

(λ. borkdude)

Squint now supports passing down props in JSX using `:&` inspired by @lilactown_'s helix.

#clojure #clojurescript #squintcljs

(λ. borkdude)

A new version of SCI: Small Clojure Interpreter, used in #babashka, #nbb, etc.

JS interop now got 5-7x faster and various other improvements

#clojure #clojurescript

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