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242 posts total
(λ. borkdude)

Added quickdoc, a #clojure documentation tool based on #cljKondo analysis, to edamame, a Clojure parser

(λ. borkdude)

RT @the_lazy_folder
Today is an important day.

I complete 1 year of production experience 🍻

This is my story of how i got into tech as a self-taught engineer.

I couldn't have done this on my own.

I had help from people in the #clojure community.

(λ. borkdude)

We want to have less code by more thinking, not more code by less thinking.


(λ. borkdude)

A feature that @mkvlr and I hacked on today in Berlin: #cljKondo won't report about functions defined after the rich comment form anymore, since this order usually doesn't matter during development!


(λ. borkdude)

RT @pixelated_noise
Learn how to add interactive prompts and other input to your Babashka scripts with minimal effort #clojure

(λ. borkdude)

My total train trip from Amersfoort to Berlin takes 5:30 hours. When I look on the map in Hannover it looks like I'm only half way, but from here it takes only 1:30 to get to Berlin...

(λ. borkdude)

The guy in the bistro was joking to people who didn't have a mask and had to buy one: that's 10 euro. With the next person he said: that's 20 euro. But he only charged 2 ;-).

(λ. borkdude)

Winter wonderland! The view from the train from Amersfoort to Berlin 🚉

(λ. borkdude)

Did I say one way? I meant, without transfers. Direct. I will return to Amersfoort today 😂

(λ. borkdude)

What if "Clojure for the Brave and True" discovered #babashka? Be one of the first to read this and provide feedback to @nonrecursive!
RT @nonrecursive I've written a tutorial on using Babashka and would love to get feedback on it. If you've been wanting to use it but haven't taken the plunge, I could use your eyes to figure out what's missing or confusing or incorrect. DM me if you're interested!

(λ. borkdude)

From @nonrecursive

> I've written a tutorial on using Babashka and would love to get feedback on it. If you've been wanting to use it but haven't taken the plunge, I could use your eyes to figure out what's missing or confusing or incorrect. DM me if you're interested!

(λ. borkdude)

Quickblog is a light-weight static blog engine for #clojure and #babashka and version 0.1.0 just came out. Thanks to @jmglov for doing the hard work!

(λ. borkdude)

RT @ctford
ChatGPT has been out less than two weeks and it has more apparent use cases than the entirety of blockchain.

Pavel Korytov :emacs: :guix:

@borkdude If only we could know beforehand what has more use cases...

And uninvent suboptimal practices that got popular only because they were invented first or for some other bad reason.


Because piping curl into bash is SUCH a good idea

(λ. borkdude)

Clj-kondo has 140 open issues which are mostly feature requests. I installed stalebot which forces you to ping if you want to keep the issue open. This had the side effect that I could close many issues that were already implemented, after I got an "expired" message about them :)

(λ. borkdude)

What if Java, Scala, Kotlin and Clojure devs could re-use their JVM standard library knowledge in "bash" scripts? If this sounds interesting to you, read on!

#clojure #graalvm @graalvm #babashka

(λ. borkdude)

XML is so great, React decided it should be part of JavaScript
RT @brunoborges
- Allows shitty formatting
- No comments
- Poor schema support
- Poor IDE support

- Formatting's like shitty white men on Twitter
- Supports comments
- No schema
- No IDE usability

- Just works
- Great IDE usability
- Comments
- Any formatting

Pick your markup

XML is so great, React decided it should be part of JavaScript
RT @brunoborges
- Allows shitty formatting
- No comments
- Poor schema support
- Poor IDE support

- Formatting's like shitty white men on Twitter
- Supports comments
- No schema
- No IDE usability

- Just works
- Great IDE usability
- Comments
- Any formatting


@borkdude @brunoborges Giving up "Allows shitty formatting" in favor of "Any formatting" is like giving up your old #gasoline guzzler in favor of a gigant #SUV.
#json #yaml #xml

(λ. borkdude)

What do people use to read threads on HN? I find it incredible hard to see what's new after, say one hour.


@borkdude I use an app called Materialistic for it on my Android phone.

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