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(λ. borkdude)

@mindaslab VSCode + Calva is pretty good too, but not sure how it compares in "heaviness"

Karthikeyan A K

@borkdude I use M1, so I don't feel heaviness. But I would rather use products made by honest people than use the ones who called GNU/Linux a cancer and now they claim they love it so that they could keep making money.

Then there is economic reason. What if capitalists fire me and my Mac breaks down and I have to have a under powered machine in future?

If I learn Emacs I can teach many others, so they will be more closer to freedom.

But I'm lazy :blobcatbigsob: :blobcatbigsob:

(λ. borkdude)

@mindaslab Maybe start coding in Emacs 20% of your time and increase it by 10% every week. Write down the keybindings / commands you use most often.

Andy Wootton

@borkdude Even lighter without a GUI.
I was showing clj to my grandson on an Eee PC netbook on Sunday..I'm trying to teach him FP as he learns about arithmetic.
(+ 1 2 3) is easier than 1 + 2 + 3?
We had a short emacs break but he doesn't know all the letters yet..🙂


@borkdude Jetbrains IntelliJ gives me bad memory from the java days, it is/was very memory and cpu demanding.

Simon Brooke

@borkdude good old Eight Megabytes And Constant Swapping.

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