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(λ. borkdude)

Glory to the standard library of Clojure, Amen

#clojure #gpt3chat

(λ. borkdude)

I'll admit, gpt3 is just an excuse to make up weird plots and the machine does the rest

Tomáš Baránek

@borkdude As a #Clojure beginner I wonder how much can I rely on answers that I get from #chatGPT on this topic. I sometimes ask for explaining some code and it seems very useful. But is that part of the model somehow more reliable and truthful than other part? What is your opinion and experience? Thank you.;)

(λ. borkdude)

@tombarys I can't vouch for how reliable ChatGPT is about Clojure, but I've seen that it can create useful prose but also mixed with non-sense so always double-check ;)

Tomáš Baránek

@borkdude Yes, that is my feeling too, I will be careful and continue asking great Clojure community for answers. Thank you! ;)

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