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(λ. borkdude)

In the newest #babashka (1.0.167) you can do this without having a fork of clojure.spec in your bb.edn:

$ bb -e "(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]) (s/valid? int? 2)"

The source of is pre-bundled with added only 100kb to the image.


(λ. borkdude)

The current clojure.spec.alpha is interpreted and takes about 50ms to load.

When clojure.spec2 ever comes out, there will be a pre-compiled fast version (which will add roughly 3-5mb to the image).

The trade-off is having some convenience now while saving space for later.


@borkdude this means that I can no longer run Spec from a floppy and will have to invest in a Zip drive.

(webdev Tory) :emacs:

@borkdude What is the best way of using #clojure #babashka with a #Cider REPL? Or is that thinking about it in the wrong way?

(λ. borkdude)

@worldsendless If your directory has a bb.edn, you can select cider-jack-in + babashka. Or you can start the nrepl from the command line (bb nrepl-server) and then cider-connect

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