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242 posts total
(λ. borkdude)

RT @pappapez
The recording of @borkdude's and mine talk at @ldnclj is already up on Youtube! Please have a look if you are curious about how you can hack VS Code as if it was Emacs. It's #Clojure code being used, but you do not need to know Clojure to follow along.

Bozhidar Batsov

@borkdude What's the with the RT prefix here? It's not possible to quote messages and that's some workaround or what?

(λ. borkdude)

RT @graalvm
Help us improve GraalVM!📝
Tell us what we should add or change:

(λ. borkdude)

RT @grashalm_
We are dropping support for JDK 11 in Truffle with the next 23.0 GraalVM release. Excited to finally use the new JDK 17 goodness, like records, sealed classes, instanceof pattern matching, and text blocks 🤩

(λ. borkdude)

RT @ClojureDays
The recording from the #dcd22 talk by @borkdude on "ClojureScript reimagined", live on YouTube #clojure #conference

(λ. borkdude)

A #babashka one-liner to inspect some EDN data with @djblue_live 's portal:

cat deps.edn |
bb -Sdeps '{:deps {djblue/portal {:mvn/version "0.34.2"}}}' \
-e "(require '[portal.api :as p]) (def p (p/open))
(add-tap #'p/submit) (tap> *input*) @(promise)"



@borkdude omg what is this sorcery! thanks for the tool, wasn't aware of it

(λ. borkdude)

See you tomorrow at @ldnclj with a meetup about Joyride: making Visual Studio Code hackable like Emacs since 2022!

With @pappapez and me! #clojure #vsjoyride

(λ. borkdude)

RT @cljtogether
Cast your votes for long-term funding 🗳 All current Clojurists Together members should have a ballot with their voting link. Get in touch if you haven't received it!

(λ. borkdude)

Did you know it's possible to compile SCI, a Clojure interpreter, together with JVM Clojure and Java libraries, to a shared binary with #graalvm and then use it from Python, Rust or other languages?

#clojure @graalvm

Thomas Wuerthinger

@borkdude Why not embed GraalPy in your #GraalVM native image and run Python with full Truffle-based interop this way?

(λ. borkdude)

In 2018 I organized Advent of CLJC: a repo of clj + cljs #clojure #adventofcode solutions that were tested and benchmarked on @CircleCI.

Is anyone up for the challenge of doing it with #babashka, #nbbcljs / #cherrycljs / #squintcljs this year? :)

(λ. borkdude)

This was a lot of fun to watch. (They're not actually roasting)

Polyphia Roasts Fan Covers via @YouTube

(λ. borkdude)

Why is Github Search worse than checking out the repo and using rg locally?


@borkdude possibily because rg is so awesome :-) on a related note, just saw your grasp repo featured on HN, amazing job!

(λ. borkdude)

RT @grashalm_
Embed your Doom in Java with GraalVM Wasm.

Congrats to @bjabl for getting this to work!

(λ. borkdude)

RT @__tosh
Clojure & Babashka REPL as interface to your operating system

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