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(λ. borkdude)

Github doesn't support attaching a .patch file in an issue. Seems like a basic feature to support for a git-centric tool?


@borkdude since it did support editing changes in the web ui, it would have been rather obvious to enable an authorized user to be able to apply a .patch attachment, too.


@borkdude first person to attach .odp or .pptx to an issue against my projects is getting an all-expenses paid ticket to the bottom of the Atlantic

Niels Abildgaard

@borkdude This is what PRs are for, though, right? They enable line-by-line discussion of changes, too

(λ. borkdude)

@nielsa I didn't actually wanted to commit the code. Just save it for reference.

Niels Abildgaard

@borkdude If what you have isn't ready to merge, a draft PR seems fitting.

If irrelevant CI runs on draft PRs that seems more like a CI config problem?

Even if CI runs, I genuinely don't understand wanting to send a patch file. The collaboration experience is so much worse, doesn't support mobile devices, etc.

(λ. borkdude)

@nielsa It was never my intent to merge this patch. I just wanted to save it as an idea. It's not what I usually do, but this time it seemed like the best option. I usually delete stale branches, etc. But an attachment in an issue I would never delete.

Niels Abildgaard

@borkdude hmm I guess I don't really recognize the situation. You never see your code changes becoming something that may be merged? Then why save them?

(λ. borkdude)

@nielsa Just as a note of something that I tried but didn't yield the performance benefit I suspected :) I guess I could also commit the patch into a notes folder or so. I want to keep it just as a reference of what I tried

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