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(λ. borkdude)

Often when I work on an issue I make a git branch "issue-1", make a total mess and finally I make another branch "issue-2", take the learnings from "issue-1" and fix the issue with minimal changes.

Chip Butty

@borkdude so what you are saying is that you really write more code than we initially thought?

(λ. borkdude)

@otfrom OMG, you got me, still way too much code ;)

Chip Butty

@borkdude if you had more time you'd be more concise? :blobcatfearful:​


@otfrom @borkdude Parkinson Law for Programming ? No. Actually the "Mark Twain" law


@otfrom @borkdude (I should stop typing this afternoon) "Sorry I wrote such a long letter, I didn't have time to write a short one"


@borkdude I usually forget to even make branches. I create a file and write my tests in there and with Calva and Clojure repl just execute my code scribbles 😁

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