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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Well that sucks.

> The EDPS pilot project of EU Voice and EU Video has proved that public bodies, like EUIs, can offer social media platforms that respect individuals’ fundamental rights

> Unfortunately, despite our efforts to find a new home for EU Voice and EU Video in other EUIs, we have been unable to secure new ownership to maintain the servers and sustain operations at the high standards that EUIs and our users deserve

#EU #Fediverse

Well that sucks.

> The EDPS pilot project of EU Voice and EU Video has proved that public bodies, like EUIs, can offer social media platforms that respect individuals’ fundamental rights

Alberto Cottica

@rysiek does this mean the instance is being shut down? @EU_Commission


@rysiek I think we should start a petition. I tried but I can't get through the preliminary questions. Looks like I need to find 1 million people first or something? Its confusing, @EU_Commission


@rysiek Surely there has to be some internal body that runs PR for the EU that can take over running the servers day to day and the same contractors that did operations for the pilot can carry on as normal.

My impression was that it was basically treated as a one way operation anyway and the rest of us were just a comments section so the EUI could just set it and forget it

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

FuckFuckNo. 🤦‍♀️

I just want a search engine that works. I have zero need for a godawful "AI" hallucinating mansplainer in my results. Just… no.

Time to move off of DDG. What else is out there?

Edit: yes, it seems to be for real:

#DuckDuckGo #AI

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@rysiek Eh, search engines stopped working roughly 4 years ago, and they are just getting worse. It's back to webrings and directories for us. It's time for the 90s to be in vogue again anyway.

It's not the engines' fault, it's a billion scammers small businesses flooding the web with 'content.' And yes affordable LLMs made it worse, but when I wanted a detailed test run of some IT products in 2019, it was already a lost cause - hundreds of adware pages with machine-made content (like mined user manuals and suchlike), and fake customer reviews on webstores.

@rysiek Eh, search engines stopped working roughly 4 years ago, and they are just getting worse. It's back to webrings and directories for us. It's time for the 90s to be in vogue again anyway.

It's not the engines' fault, it's a billion scammers small businesses flooding the web with 'content.' And yes affordable LLMs made it worse, but when I wanted a detailed test run of some IT products in 2019, it was already a lost cause - hundreds of adware pages with machine-made content (like mined user...

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

The Fediverse is Already Dead

Despite the grim title, it's a wonderful, thoughtful, hopeful piece by @noracodes on what fedi was and what it has become. And what the future can hold.

Highly recommended. Especially for those of us who are, like me, struggling with what "The Fediverse" is supposed to mean these days.


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@rysiek @noracodes

Thanks for this. It's a good rendering of the situation. I think the truth is that some people don't want to communicate. They just want to pontificate. And if you don't fall in line with their expectations, you're to be demonized. Also, there's the self-appointed police who report rather than block. The last point is reading comprehension. A lot of people can read, but they lack the requisite comprehension skills to understand what they are reading.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

2003 Yuri Shchekochikhin
2003 Sergei Yushenkov
2006 Anna Politkovskaya
2006 Alexander Litvinenko
2009 Stanislav Markelov
2009 Anastasia Baburova
2009 Natalia Estemirova
2009 Sergei Magnitsky
2015 Boris Nemtsov
2024 Alexei Navalny

#Russia #Putin

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cowboyminer :coolified:


Is this why:

Donald Trump
Tucker Carlson
Sean Hannity
Mike Johnson
Joe Rogan
Margorie Taylor Green
Matt Gaetz
and more...

double down on their lies and disinformation campaigns?

Andreas K

@rysiek All of them died from not enough love.

Not enough love for the Greatest Leader of all Humanity, Putin. And unconditional surrender to his orders.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Dziś w #OkoPress piszę o blokczejnie i wyborach zdalnych:

> Problem z e-głosowaniem nie jest technologiczny, a społeczny: podstawową funkcją wyborów jest nie tylko wskazanie nowej władzy czy podziału mandatów, ale też zapewnienie, że wszyscy się co do ich wyniku zgadzamy. Nawet jeśli „nasza” opcja przegrała.

> System głosowania w wyborach powszechnych musi spełniać dwa trudne do pogodzenia warunki: głosowanie musi być poufne, a jednocześnie w pełni godne zaufania.


Dziś w #OkoPress piszę o blokczejnie i wyborach zdalnych:

> Problem z e-głosowaniem nie jest technologiczny, a społeczny: podstawową funkcją wyborów jest nie tylko wskazanie nowej władzy czy podziału mandatów, ale też zapewnienie, że wszyscy się co do ich wyniku zgadzamy. Nawet jeśli „nasza” opcja przegrała.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

> Jeśli głosowanie nie jest w pełni godne zaufania, różne siły polityczne mogą zacząć podważać wynik wyborów

> Żeby głosowanie było godne zaufania, konieczne jest, by osoby głosujące rozumiały, jak system wyborczy działa.

> To jest niełatwe nawet przy korzystaniu z papierowych kart wyborczych.

> Zastąpienie urny wyborczej komputerem znacznie utrudnia zrozumienie i audyt systemu.


Paweł Szczur :pix_mastodon:

@rysiek bardzo ciekawy, rzeczowy artykuł, oraz fajna dyskusja tutaj na Masto.

Jakub Urbanowicz

Dobry artykuł. Temat wymaga rozwinięcia i kontynuacji.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

If you are a citizen of any EU Member State, I implore you to consider signing the Tax-the-Rich citizens' initiative:

The idea is to tax the super rich and then use the money for climate transition. :blobcathappypaws:

This is an official EU citizens' initiative, meaning that if it reaches certain thresholds, it *will have to be* considered by the EU institutions. That's a really powerful tool, if actually used.

So we should use it. :blobcatcool:


#TaxTheRich #EU

If you are a citizen of any EU Member State, I implore you to consider signing the Tax-the-Rich citizens' initiative:

The idea is to tax the super rich and then use the money for climate transition. :blobcathappypaws:

This is an official EU citizens' initiative, meaning that if it reaches certain thresholds, it *will have to be* considered by the EU institutions. That's a really powerful tool, if actually used.

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Parade du Grotesque 💀


It's very doubtful anything will come out of that initiative, but I signed it nonetheless. Thanks!


@rysiek what a mess of a website. My phone has trouble scrolling it.


@rysiek it'll end the only possible way: they will emigrate to where taxes are lower.

it's happening right now in California.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

the existence of present packaging implies the existence of past and future packaging

Marcin Cieślak

@rysiek Between 9th and 11th century the word "Gift" started shifting its meaning so it could become "poison" in the modern German language.

noodlejetski :verified_gay:

@rysiek whenever I talk about my past my therapist says there's a lot to unpack there so you might have a point

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

W spamie: "Metoda walki z bólem stawów z Niemiec"

Nie kumam. Ból stawów jest z Niemiec? Czy może ten ból dotyka stawów, które są z Niemiec? W jak sposób jakieś tam jeziorka miałyby w ogóle odczuwać ból? I czemu w takim razie skupiamy się tylko na bólu lub jeziorkach zza zachodniej granicy?

Tyle pytań, zero odpowiedzi!

Maciej Maciejewski :verified:

@rysiek metoda na ból z Niemiec, trafiło do spamu bo nie działa ma ból z Polski 😉

Filip Lachert he/him

@rysiek otwórz maila! Tam na pewno są wszystkie odpowiedzi :)


@rysiek rynek używanych stawów sprowadzanych z Niemiec kwitnie, bo co dziesiąty Polak ma rozwalone kolana od chodzenia po bułki bez prawidłowego przygotowania.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Hey @6543 any thoughts on how will handle Threads? Will the data related to it show on there and be included in the charts?


Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

When setting up a Proxmox VE node on a Debian machine, be kind to yourself and remember to reboot it after installing all the Proxmox packages. :blobcatcoffee:

Instead of scratching your head for half an hour and trying to figure out why VMs can't into network. 🤦‍♀️


Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

"Free as in freedom, not free as in beer"

:drake_dislike: "not just gratis but also copyleft"
:drake_like: "copyleft, but actually supported financially"

Elda King

@rysiek The other part of the dilemma: free as in freedom, or free as in free labor?

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Hug your #FediAdmin today.

There's a lot of shit flying in the #Fediverse lately and a lot of times perspective seems to get lost. Yes, there are things we need to talk about, and yes there are things we will not agree on. And that's okay.

But leave the pitchforks and torches out of this.

Fedi admins put in the hours and effort and emotion into making fedi happen. Sometimes they make decisions we might not agree with. We should criticize, but we should not pile-on.

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NorCal Lynne

@rysiek The pile-on that has been going on is ugly and thank you for saying something. Admns put in a lot of time, money, and energy. I’ve only been here since October and I really think those who recently joined should think twice before making accusations about people they know nothing about. Hope people cool down.



Some fedi admins make fedi happen, others break fedi. Not all of them are good, and not all of them are bad.
If you want to choose your community and who can talk to you then you don't need someone else to do this work. There is no need for fedi admins if you use a single-user instance.

If so many admins put so much effort into making decisions for other people then let's decentralize this case too. Let's get rid of admins at all. And let everyone decide.


@rysiek If #FediAdmins are officially accepting hugs then I am sending one to @thomas coz he's the admin of and he works so hard and he rocks 😊
Also to @stux coz he doesn't know it but he helped me with really useful info on Mastodon with his posts when I needed it and I never got round to saying thank you.
Thank you both 🤩

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Funny how when #BlueSky got the first few thousand accounts all of tech media immediately started tripping one over another covering it and getting a collective aneurysm. :blobcatroll:

Meanwhile, #Threadiverse gets ~70k accounts over 2 weeks, and (with the fine exception of #Techdirt) not a peep. :blobcatgiggle:

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Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

@rysiek Without pseudo-exclusive scarce invites, there is no reason to feel smug and elitist about being there. Might have been an important driving factor.


@rysiek They’re pulling the EXACT same “exclusive access” trick Zuckerberg pulled with Facebook in the early years.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Looks like #Lemmy and #Kbin keep being mentioned together, which to me suggests we might have averted "mastodonization" of the #threadiverse — i.e. a situation where the whole network gets identified with a single piece of software. 🎉

This is the way. :blobcatcool:

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James Harmony

@rysiek *insert gnu/Linux copypasta but adjusted to kbin/Lemmy*

Mac #Lemmy was what led me to join the #fediverse! I heard of Mastodon before, but didn't felt the need to join as I'm not accustomed to microblogging. I hope the recent spike encourages more users to diversify their social media.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Looks like #Lemmy / #KBin corners of the #Fediverse are going to get some real-life testing of their moderation tools and procedures, and of their general community resilience. :blobcateyes:

[click: "Active last month"]

For anyone running or moderating a Lemmy or KBin instance:
- brace for impact
- make sure people, esp. BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled folks, are listened to when they flag problems
- remember: it's okay to close down registrations!

Looks like #Lemmy / #KBin corners of the #Fediverse are going to get some real-life testing of their moderation tools and procedures, and of their general community resilience. :blobcateyes:

[click: "Active last month"]

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

It's going to be cray-cray over then next few days. Manage your spoons well.

The wave of sign-ups will come and go, but burn-out or some bad moderation decisions will affect a community for a long, long time.

It's better to slowly but reliably build a small, resilient, safe space than to try to go hockey-stick on sign-ups only to have people get burnt, abandon their accounts, and tell their friends about it.

We're playing the long game.

Keep calm and be excellent to each other.

#Lemmy #KBin

trisk (ceasefire now!)

@rysiek these people have made graphics cards profoundly expensive, have shown no interest in increasing accessibility and disability services, privately celebrated the Dobbs decision, do nothing to ensure equity at their workplaces, and now they're slowly organizing into a religious movement.

This isn't about social reform. This is about power. And this utopia that these people are trying to create would be the most unequal society ever.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

I am going to moderate a panel at #RePublica #Berlin #rp23.

Can the promise of safe, equitable community-run platforms be fulfilled?

> Much has been said about the toxicity and wanton disregard for safety displayed by the major social media and other corporate-run platforms.

> Community-run platforms exist, some becoming household names and gaining immense popularity, but upon closer inspection they, too, struggle with creating safe, equitable spaces. Can we do better?

I am going to moderate a panel at #RePublica #Berlin #rp23.

Can the promise of safe, equitable community-run platforms be fulfilled?

> Much has been said about the toxicity and wanton disregard for safety displayed by the major social media and other corporate-run platforms.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Joining me:

Founder of The Bachchao Project, a community effort to support technical frameworks promoting equal rights for women and LGBTQIA communities.

One of the operators of the Tildeverse, a collective of like-minded "tilde" servers in the style of Paul Ford's tilde club, and acts as an administrator for that group's fediverse instance,

Philip Kopetzky
Steering Committee member of the newly formed regional Wikimedia structure "CEE Hub".

Joining me:

Founder of The Bachchao Project, a community effort to support technical frameworks promoting equal rights for women and LGBTQIA communities.

One of the operators of the Tildeverse, a collective of like-minded "tilde" servers in the style of Paul Ford's tilde club, and acts as an administrator for that group's fediverse instance,

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

For those with accounts on Mastodon instances (or instances running #Mastodon forks), this might be a good time to enable this in Preferences → Notifications:

☑️ Block direct messages from people you don't follow

Spammers seem to be (ab)using the DM functionality. Making it impossible to reach you if you do not follow a person makes that much less effective. And in general is just a good idea, IMVHO.

Tried to figure out how to do the same on #Calckey, but could not find the setting. Hjalp?

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

This setting should have been default-on, IMVHO.

But that's "water under the dam", quoting one of the best scenes in one of the most under-rated movies out there.

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